Manuka honey

Hi all,

I’ve notice alot of you ladies on here are using Manuka honey to help boost white blood cells. I’ve just looked on the Holland and Barratt website and am now unsure which to buy. Loads of different types available. 5+, 6+ or 12+.

Also how is best to take it… Ie. By the spoonful or in tea??

Thanks all

Sarah xxx

Hi Sarah
After my surgery in June this year my mother bought me manuka honey as she had been told that it could aid in the prevention of infection.
I had a mastectomy with LD flap reconstruction so a few scars there.
The girl in the chemist advised my mum that the higher the factor, ie above 10, the better for those post surgery.
I took 2 teaspoonfuls per day however i have also heard that some hospitals do use it to actually spread on the scars. (Hearsay, so please check this out).
Honey has loads of great properties so would not do any harm if you take some
By the way I sailed thru my recovery with no infections so whether it was the manuka honey or not… dont know
Carol x

Carol you are right about spreading the honey on scars! I was given a prescription for dressings soaked in honey, but the nurse ssaid it was Manuka honey!

Sheila xx


I’m taking the factor 12 Manuka honey. One tsp 3 times a day. I spread it on fruit ryvita but you can have it in a drink. I believe the water shouldn’t be too hot as it may denature some of the properties.

Julia xx

I am taking manuka honey as well to try and boost my blood counts. I either have it on my toast in the morning or I take it in a little warm water. I am not sure if it will but will see on Monday when I get my second lots of counts.

Will update then to see if it had helped!

Dena xx

My 77 year old mum sent me a jar of LifeMel (£38) which I will start tomorrow when I start my first FEC. She says my auntie used it and said it helped her. I know the bees are fed on different plants but would be interested to know if Manuka works just as well. It is her little contribution to my treatment but at that price I think I would prefer it if she got me cheaper honey. Anyone know anything about LifeMel as the Israili scientist who started it off doesn’t want his name associated with it as it hasn’t been properly trialed yet although I believe one is currently or about to be undertaken in America.
Elle x

i read post last friday night about manuka honey as since day 6 after my first fec i had virus and throat infection,talk of delaying next chemo a week,so started honey day 16 felt throat improve by thatevening!!! these are my blood results before starting fec 1; HB[LOOK FOR ANEAMIA] 11.7 2ND TEST 12.3 WBC[INFECTION MARKER] 13.5 2ND TEST 13.2 NEUTOPHILS[INFECTION MARKER] 3.1 2ND TEST 7.8!!! PLATLETS[CLOTTING] 279 2ND TEST 373 so everything except wbc better so asked consultant would the neutrophils be much better because of antibiotics he said no up because body fights back itself,so was honey beneficial? who knows but going to continue with it will post next chemo see if same ps;losses good effects if put in hot water must say plus 10 or higher on jar wishing you all well sheena x

Thanks every one. I think Ill give it ago. I’ve heard no bad repots about it, so it’ll either do something or nothing- either way its honey so must be aiding by body in some way!!!

BTW. Sheena… 3.33am couldn’t you sleep!!!

Take care all

Sarah xxx

PLEASE don’t waste your money or your mother’s on Lifemel- it is such a con.

Honey is a natural product and all good quality honey is ‘good for you’ - but - far, far better to buy Fairtrade honey and help the hard-working producers in the developing world OR to buy local honey and help your local bee-keepers. Just don’t pay the hugely inflated price for Lifemel or the large scale Manuka companies in the belief (in my view!) that it will do something wonderful for youl

One of the large Supermarkets sell Manuka honey and it is much
cheaper that the brand names. They also do several strengths.


hi slatch yeh up to 4.30am just had 2nd fec steriods make me hyper!!! only lasts for few days thanks for noticing,hope your well take care sheena x

I had a horrible cough last summer which nothing would shift.I was really starting to worry about it, then tried Manuka honey as a last resort. I can honestly say my cough started getting better straight away and was gone after a few days.I now wouldn’t be without it - infact I’ve converted the whole family. Apparantly it’s got antibiotic properties that are especially good for the throat and chest.
Josie x

HI all,

Picked up some Manuka honey today in Boots- pretty expensive, but they had a 2 for 3 offer on. Worth knowing. It actually tastes nice, just like a thick honey!!

Sarah x

Hi All

Hope you don’t mind but thought that I should let you all know that I got this super expensive honey last year whilst on chemo and started a week before first cheo. I had problems with low bloods from the off and ended up having a blood transfusion on cycle 3, after having the first two cycles delayed due to low platelets and reds. Despite honey tasting lovely I can honestly say I had no health benefits. Although I was not thrilled about the transfusion that seemed to do the trick (along with upping protein intake as much as I could)and I was not delayed on the remaining cycles.

My tip is protein rich food (Personal trainer told me a gram per kilo of body weight if you can manage it during chemo) is the best insurance against low bloods.


Jane x

That’s intersting, Jane. Do you mean 1 gram of protein per kilo of body weight per day or per meal ?

I think we are ripped off as far as Manuka honey is concerned. (I think I’m right in saying a Manuka is the NZ equivalent of a tea tree, hence its antiseptic qualities).

I’ve been to NZ several times (where this honey comes from) and while it isn’t exactly cheap as chips there (it IS very good honey), the prices in the UK are outrageous, even allowing for import costs.

Whatever its properties as a wound dressing, I wouldn’t part with the ridiculous sums demanded for it in GB.

If you like it and can afford it, by all means eat it. But I’m with Jane on this one and feel that the money spent on it could be used to buy a range of other equally, or more, beneficial foods (or even a bar or two of Green and Black’s chocolate ;))



HI Onestep and all

One to one ad a half grammes per kg of body weight per day - in my case that would be circa 50gm which is not too hard to do, even with feeling a bit sickly. It did help me to maintain quite decent energy levels and I did seem to have an easier time on chemo than most others. However, I do think that the blood transfusion may have been a contributing factor as I increased protein at the same time having been sad that I had ended up needing another transfusion!

And what Bahron’s says makes sense to me, that the money could be spent on a whole range of treats! I know that the honey they use topically is medical grade and not sure it is the same as that sold for oral use.

Jane x

Getting manuka honey from New Zealand in GB is indeed very costly but I ordered online and to my amusement was very affordable even after the including the shipping charges.

Have a look at the link below to see the variety in Manuka Honey offered :slight_smile: