March 2025 chemo starters

Risks are very definitely scary and not to be downplayed I agree totally!

If it helps when doing consent form, when it got to the bit about ‘might be fatal blah blah’ at which point big ! fear descended - my onc said that will only happen if you don’t call us (if you are having any sort of issue)

So I have absolutely no compunction about ringing the number day or night if I suspect even the tiniest of somethings (lucky so far but as I keep saying, one day at a time)

Best of luck for your chemo !


@chita I’m not sure when the genetics result will come back, I had a text saying they are doing admin for it on 17th March, no idea what that’s all about. I’m glad your first cycle went well, I hope the sides aren’t too bad.

Well my appointment next week is actually for a 3hr chemo chat group, I get to see the unit, which I’m a bit nervous of, I think seeing other patients is going hit hard, how have you all coped with this? I’ve received my dates today for bloods on 11th and first cycle of EC 13th (at least that’s not a Friday) I haven’t cried for a while but had a blip last night and feeling emotional today. I also received 2 chemo hats from Annabandana and a bag full of donated ones from (aka thetitlesswonder on Instagram).


@chita I’m glad your first chemo session went well. I have my PICC line insertion tomorrow, which I’m quite nervous about then my first chemo on Friday.

Trying to keep busy but been feeling a bit emotional about it all today.

I’m being matched to ‘someone like me’ so hopefully that will be helpful having someone to talk to who has been through it.

I hope everyone’s sessions go well x


Hi All,

Due to have my first oncology appointment on Tuesday where apparently I’ll get my treatment timetable.
I was diagnosed on 6/02/2025 with her2 positive grade 3 breast cancer, I’m absolutely terrified but I know I have to do this to get back to my normal life. I feel like everything is on hold, I’ve already cancelled one holiday and dare not plan anything.

Good luck to everyone on this journey with me, may your side effects be minimal and we all get the best possible outcome.



@cruising Wow that’s a really great introduction to the process! :+1: I didn’t have anything similar but luckily I’m not afraid of the hospitals…

One of the best advice my psychologist gave me when I was diagnosed - try to develop curiosity or at least a certain interest. This is a completely new world for many of us, unknown and scary but it can be fun (for the lack of better word) to try to explore it.

When I came to the unit, there were many different people, it was interesting to watch them, think what were their stories, I also felt connected in some way, since we were in the same boat. Chatting with a nurse, asking tones of questions was also helpful (not only about chemo, we talked about cats for example :grimacing:
Also good to bring things you like with you. I had a cup of coffee and a cinnamon bun, my music and a fun book. Good to bring someone with you for the first time for support. Good luck! I think it’ll go better than expected :slightly_smiling_face:


@jobieejo everyone says that the waiting time is the worst period, it was like that for me as well. When you have a concrete plan, it should become a bit easier.
I also had to cancel my long planned vacation, it’s impossible to plan anything serious during the treatment…but it’s a good therapy for a control freak like me :smile:


Hi Raffy, you’re on the same treatment as me had my first Paclitaxel Tuesday with Phezgo injection.


Hope you’re feeling ok x


I have just had my port inserted today. Although a bit more time consuming to insert, I felt with research that it was the better option for me as there will be nothing sticking out for my children to grab/pull. And it is good for long term use with low infection rates.
But its up to you and what you feel is best for you.
Im a bit sore and have a large dressing on at the moment, but can share a picture once its settled so you can see.



Hope today went ok x x


I had my port fitted yesterday, was only slightly uncomfortable (pulling and tugging) but totally bearable, they left the needle in as I started chemo today. Felt a bit achy when I got home, again bearable. All the dressings now removed, they said just keep it dry for the next week, soo pleased I chose the port hardly notices just 24hrs after. Chemo today a bit apprehensive of course went really quick, so far I am feeling fairly normal. I tried the cold cap, the first 15 minutes is a bit challenging but so glad I kept with it as after the initial period I hardly felt it was on.

Good luck all and those who are starting soon x


@patch220 @trex_mummy How was the experiencing having the port.
I have mine scheduled on March 18, they told me it’s booked in for 1 1/2 hours , is it really that long?
I choose to have it done local?was it the same for you.
And I also decided the port to be in chest instead my arms


I was at the hospital for 1 1/2 hours roughly but that time includes completing paperwork, getting gowned up etc. The procedure I would say was probably around 45 minutes and I had this under local. My reason for the port is having the ability to shower normally without any worries, albeit I will have to adapt and wait 1-2 weeks for the wound to heal.


@patch220 Same also because I have a little one, that’s why I choose the port. Unfortunately it was not done before my 1st chemo yesterday.
Also cold cap and it’s doable but i still have a headache from it. But both of everthing i just feel sick, but hasn’t thrown up. Anti sickness medicine help just enough time for me eat something and now don’t want to eat anything am afraid i will be sick.


How did you feel yesterday after your 1st chemo? I feel like I am just waiting for something to happen?


I was there from 9 am -5pm
Because my creatine levels are high so I had an infusion for 2 hours before my chemo even start and went its time collect my medicines to take home it was not ready. I just wanted to have some fresh air so I had walk outside , 30 minutes after I got my medicines.
But I also keep waiting for a side effect unfortunately headaches and feeling nauseas what am experiencing.

To all the ladies on this journery please drink plenty water before the blood test, am too afraid of the needle so I was dehydrated when I have my blood test.


@under_the_sea I have day 1 chemo with EC tomorrow too.

Feel in a good headspace about it all right now, think I am just ready to get started and feel like I am finally making steps towards beating this and coming out the other side.

Will update everyone on how it goes and any side effects etc, in case it helps others, but from reading other peoples entries I have my hand and nail creams ready, water bottle, travel mug, and a book to read!

My current motto throughout this is ‘don’t let the hard days win’ so let’s see how it goes.

X x love to you all.


Hi, Thank you for posting your journey to date. I was diagnosed at the end of December, have had surgery and I am due to start on EC in 2 weeks, followed by Paclitaxel and Herceptin. Radiotherapy after the two chemos. Getting ideas on how to prepare and what to expect are really helpful for me. Worried about side effects and what I will and won’t be able to do.
I hope you continue to cope well with your chemo 🩷


Hi rambleon, Thank you so much for posting. I start ec in 2 weeks then Paclitaxel with Herceptin and starting to worry about how ill it might make me. I live alone and am hoping that I will still be able to function etc. Your post and personal experiences of these chemos gives me some hope. Thank you xx


I’m new and starting TCHP for stage 2 invasive and in situ ductal breast cancer. ER+/HER2+. It’s been a whirlwind and I haven’t had time to feel all the feels, but know it’s coming :face_with_peeking_eye: reading these forums has been soooo helpful - hoping I can give back with useful info and support!