Mastectomy on Friday

Dima - wow, what a lot to take in! I am going to ask at my pre-op tomorrow what my HER2 status is - I’d figured out the oestregen one (positive, hello tamoxifen) before my last appt, but not the other - so that’s on my to do list.

Bet you could get some fab glam wigs for the party season - silver or purple sparkly, perhaps? I’d read somewhere about investing in dark coloured nail varnish, in case your nails do discolour (still hope they won’t fall off!) - so that might be an idea. I’d get a dental check up too, beforehand - if you can find a dentist without a ten year waiting list - though maybe you should get priority treatment?!

'Fraid to say it - looks like THIS is your full time job for now… who can think of a good phrase for our current employment status? Human chemical processing plant? xxxxxxxxx ((((((((Hugs))))))))). you must be still in disbelief about what they’re throwing your way - but hey, how dare any little cancer cell survive THAT onslaught?! Take that, evil little beasties…

Big hugs

Sophie xxx

Hope your pre-op went ok. I’m sure you’ll be getting jittery about your op on Friday, but you are obviously getting well prepared so hang on in there - you’ll be fine. Your sense of humour (which I find hilarious!) will certainly stand you in good stead, so hang on to that too.

Thanks Di! Pre-op was fine, saw three different nurses - one to do bloods/mrsa swabs/height/weight/bloodpressure etc etc. One to discuss admission/anaesthesia/discharge and other general health info, and finally my bcn to discuss everything else! Also had to have a chest x-ray. Appointment was at 10, so I’d said to work I’d be in by mid-day (bear in mind I finish there at 2pm…). I was actually through by quarter to twelve, but I still needed new knickers, so my friend Clare and I detoured to Tesco on the way… got knickers, a sausage pillow (bright pink) and… a pair of boots and a pair of skinny jeans just for good measure.

I got back to work at 1.15 and everyone was amazed that I’d been virtuous enough to come back at all when my appointment had taken so long, and I’d needed x-rays etc etc… <grin>… think my halo would be slightly tarnished if they’d seen the carrier bags in my car…</grin>

All I have to do now is keep this stupid cold at bay that keeps threatening to come on - the rest of the family have been prostrate with it, but me and First Defence are winning the battle so far…just two more days, then I can have a cold if I really must, just two more days…

(Do you think worrying about the cold is a diversion therapy for me?!!!)

Sophie xxx