I’m due 1 more Taxotere in 3 weeks and that’s it for my chemo. I will need a mastectomy (they were trying to shrink lump first but it’s fused to the nipple and skin surface). How soon after the mastectomy do you think I will be able to start the rads?
I am having my last Tax on 2nd Nov and then my Bi-Lat mastectomy on 30th Nov, I was told Rads would be January, but not exactly sure when in Jan. They said they like it to be nicely healed before starting the rads, and they were talking about 3-4 weeks physical recovery time…so I am guessing 5-6 weeks after surgery.
I am soooo looking forward to Rads (sad cow!) as I feel that will be the the beginning of the end of the treatment (if you know what I mean!!).
Hi Cecelia,
Before they found my secondaries I was due to have radiotherapy and was told that there would be at least a months break between to give body chance to heal a bit.