May have to swop Anastrozole brand from Arimidex - guidance please

Has anyone else had to change from Arimidex?


I have been on Arimidex for 12 months with only a few side effects that are manageable. When I went to pick up my next prescription the pharmacist told me that I can’t have Arimidex with the prescription I had and I should never have been given it as it costs them money and they would make a loss.

The pharmacist is at present communicating with my Doctor. I am trying not to panic as I have heard that different brands give varying levels of side effects.


Have you had to change brands, which did you change from and to.


Whilst I realise everyone is different, can anyone let me know which brand to switch to that worked for them?


Many Thanks

So far I have had no side effects from Anastrozole, TEVA brand, which I have been on for four weeks.  This was originally dispensed to me by the hospital pharmacy. My oncologist explained he wasn’t allowed to specify any particular brand as it was the pharmacy that always decided, and on the basis of cost.


When I needed a follow-up prescription, my GP agreed to ask for the TEVA brand. Initially, my local Boots didn’t have that in stock, but they have now got some in for me, one working day later. That all suggests it is not a particularly expensive brand.


No-one can say in advance which brand will suit which patient.


I do understand your anxiety; it’s very stressful having to try everything out painstakingly, especially when it’s all coming down to the NHS being run on business lines. I do hope you can find a version that suits you as well as Arimidex, if they won’t let you have that any longer.


Hello Susie,

I think Arimidex is the original/non generic version of Anastrazole, hence the expense - relatively big difference.
Docs usually have to go for the cheaper generics, although some people have managed to stay on the non generic after trying other treatments and suffering.

You might want to discuss your situation with your GP. If Arimidex is actually stated on the script, then surely it is not for the Pharmacist to change, is it?

I am like Appletree. I am on generic anasty supplied by Teva since I started about 12 months ago. I have kept to the same one. I did have some side effects but nothing too major that I could not resolve or adapt to.

I made sure I got my scripts in early and built up a reserve so I didn’t need to worry when the pharmacy do not have stock available and have to order in (which is just about everytime).

Bleeding GP will only issue script for 2 months at a time. They obviously don’t expect me to last 10 years ?

I wanted to stick with the same one with no messing about. Boots were brill getting it in everytime, although did have to assert myself a couple on a coupke of occasions.

Eventually a GP put the Teva brand on the script itself. Another GP who I had asked previously, said they could not specify. Such contradictions from the same GP practice - and not for the first time.

By the way, Appletree - If you cannot get Teva and getting really low then check out anastrazole in the Almus brand box. It should be exactly the same tab as the Teva one. You can check by comparing product licence (PL) numbers. They should be exactly the same. You can find PL numbers on the box of any medicine or on the specific drug info if checking online. I think Teva manufacture it for Almus.

If tabs, with the same active ingredient, are exactly the same, then they will have the same PL number.

Best wishes to you Susie. Hope any changes made are for the better for you or that you experience no different effects than what you are use to.

Best wishes to you as well Appletree.

? X

I’ve been on anastrozole for just ove 3yrs and also try and stick to TEVA brand which seems to suit me OK.  Main s/e is the hot sweats but I can cope with these.  My GP specifies on my prescription to dispense TEVA but they don’t always read it!  Had a brand called Wockhardt a couple of months ago, thought I’d give it a go but the sweats were horrendous - I was dripping.  Now happily back on TEVA.  Good luck.