Meet up in Bristol in January


It seems a long time, and a lot has happened since we last met. So calling all secondaries (and primaries, who are used to scary secondary speak!), who can travel to Bristol. Two of us come from Taunton, one from Wales and one from Bath, and various others from all over the place. I suggest we meet at Browns on the 27th January, unless anyone has any other thoughts.

Sounds good to me x

Sounds like a great idea. Jan XXX

Sounds Ok for me. Not sure if I will be able to drive then due to bandaging for lympheodema but if this is the case I am sure I can get a lift.
Will repost in a couple of weeks to see how many to book for. Quite happy to book for somewhere else if anyone wants it.

Marmite xx

hello all ,im up for the meet up ,just say where and when .hope all are doing ok after such hard news over the festive period ,we will raise a glass to our dear friend debbs .x

may be bringing my friend with me ,she was diagnosed the same time as me and we met on this site. xx

Count me in for this. Will be lovely to catch up with everyone again.
I will have to leaveat 2.30pm at latest though as teaching in Wales at 4pm so could we go back to our original meet-up time of 11 or 11.30ish?
Thinking of you all and hoping you’re all doing ok.

Anne xx

Fine by me Anne

I’ll need to leave by 2 really to get back for ‘home from school’ time.

There seem to be quite a few new secondary ladies on the boards - anyone local to Bristol who would like to come and join us? We always have a really good time - we’re very friendly and don’t bite at all!

Hope everyone is doing ok

Lesley xx

Hi ladies,

I am newish, primary + bone secondary diag in June, 09. But only discovered this forum a few weeks ago.

I live in bristol and would like to join you ladies. But I’m due to meet with my onc that day, not sure the exactly time yet. If I can make it, would like to meet. Let me know where you usually meet. If it’s not too far from my clinic (healthcare at home) on Whiteladies Road, I can pop in before or after my app.


Welcome m1yu :slight_smile:

Brown’s is the restaurant/bar with all those steps, at the bottom of the triangle / the top of park street, next to the museum & art gallery, so to get there from the whiteladies road, you just head into town half a mile or so.

Do come along if you can, you will find it really supportive

Not sure what stage i will be at by then, hoping to get a date for surgery tomorrow.

Will check the site again next week and will then book the table at Browns, top of Park Street for 11.30 if that is Ok for everyone.
Have been feeling rough for last couple of days but better today.
Have had both CT and bone scan over the last 2/3 weeks. Bone scan showed 2 small spots on ribs either side and quite a lot of fluid in lining of left lung again. So had a sample drawn off on Tuesday to test, which will take 2/3 weeks to come back. So assume going ahead with chemo next week. I now find that once the steroids have worn off I am exhausted for a few days and just have to lie around.Most unlike me.
Hope to see you all on Wednesday 27th.

Marmite xx

well - i ~Hope it goes ok marmite - all i seem to be doing at the mo is lying around being exhausted - goodeness knows whats going on.

see you soon x

Hi guys ru still meeting up in Browns on the 27th Jan. If so I’d love to join you. I live in Bristol and frequent Browns on a regular basis. I’ve been battling my cancer for 9 years I’m new to the forum but I would love to meet up with other people in a similar situation.

Hello Ladies!

I’d love to meet up with you all. Started my chemo yesterday so hoping I’ll be more than up for it by the 27th - just very nauseous and tired now. Have not long had my MX and my diagnosis two months ago so this is all very new to me. Looking forward to hearing from your experiences.
Lucinda XX

Hi seaofserenity(lovely name by the way)and Sabraan, Glad you’re going to join us. You will both be made very welcome and it will be nice to see some new faces.
Looking forward to meeting you both.


Hi everyone

Table booked for us all - I’m counting 10 I think - in the name of Brown for the 27th January at 11.30.

Anyone wishing to go online and sign up to become a Browns friend - there is a special offer 2 courses and a bottle of wine for 2 is £28 (I think)

Looking forward to seeing you all there - for all new women - just look for a group of stunningly attractive and interesting women!

Hi girls love to join you not feeling good at present but will do my best eileen

We look forward to seeing you ozzie and all the other newcomers to the group,

Sorry girls but I have been in hospital since last Sunday and allowed home for a short break this weekend. Next week I will have my lung drained but this may take several days and then pleurodosis carried out, therefore will probably be in hospital until Thursday. Have a nice time and I will see you on the next get together.
