Message for DilysP, Lucy, Lollie

Hi All

Hope everyone is ok today. Candy, I am sorry you are still feeling so sick but hopefully you will start to feel better soon.

I find I browse the other posts now they come up in the order of posting. Like Lucy says they can get you down a bit though as I don’t always avoid the depressing ones. Maybe I should!

Dilys, I hope you have got on ok at the hospital today and I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow for your 2nd chemo.

I hopeyou are ok Pauline.

Love to all.

Love Lollie x

Dear Lollie and all

Well we spent ages at the hospital today. The cheno unit was great and did the bloods. I am ok - have zillions of platelets fighting back. Then waited AGES to see the onc who basically said I was fine for tomorrow - being tired is no excuse. So here I go again. Will be fine. After tomorrow I will be a third of the way through this madness! Bring it on! Am trying to persuade my husband that he doesn’t have to sit there with me being bored! Can read when he isn’t there!

Courage and love to all


Dear Dilys

I am glad everything went well at the hospital today and good luck for tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you. I expect your husband wants to be there to support you as much as possible.

Love Lollie x

Dearest ladies

Dilys I wish you well for tomorrow and hope this one is as good as the first for you. Take my hand …

Lollie thanks for asking after me, I had a much better night last night - actually managed some sleep - and have been fairly good today, so fingers crossed.
I wish you well on Friday, how many rads are you to have and will that be the last of your treatment?

Candy so sorry you are still feeling poorly. Did you get any feed back about your hair not growing as fast as you thought it should? You will be more than welcome to join me for cake, shall we have chocolate?

Lucy I hope you are feeling good at your decluttering, when I am in the mood to do it properly it really liberates me. I once heard on an Oprah show that we wear only 20% of our clothes, 80% of the time.

Dahlia, hope you have your baking hat on, sounds like you have a few orders!!

Dilys - hugs and hugs.

Love to you all

PS the hair has almost gone, I think tomorrow will be the final shave off!!!

Dear All and right now specially you Pauline. Feel like a bit of a trail blazer for you and me! Get the hair gone. It still isn’t fun and will be very very tedious but there you go. Not much looking forward to tomorrow but it has to be done. I will let you know how it goes, and will be holding so tight to your hand Pauline my love.

More tomorrow I hope!

Much love to all



Dear Pauline and everyone

OK I am back from the second FEC. Much quicker this time having had the bloods done yesterday. Two and a half hours in total. Was a bit worried as the isolator in my hospital has gone wrong and they are having to ship the chemo in from Barts but it worked fine. Feeling all right so far and just popped over to the shops. Am staying in now because of the rain!

How are you all? Everyone ok? Pauline I’ll let you know how it goes - you are next Tuesday, are you not? Doesn’t time fly?? But at least I am now one third of the way through this, whatever happens.

Love to all


Well done Dilys, been thinking about you, and many others, today.

Weather has been flippin’ awful and it ripped a branch off my new tree so I’m miffed about that as it was a birthday gift. Oh well, it’ll grow back which is more than we can say for the flesh that’s been ripped off.

You’re 33% done now and after the next one it’ll be downhill, not long now …


Hi Dahlia

Yes I am well chuffed to be moving through it. They are so very kind there you just can’t even think about moaning! Sorry about yout tree - what a pain. I have been sticking to turbans rather than risk the wig in these high winds. Very comfy I must say.

Love to you and all


Dearest Dilys and Dahlia

Glad it went so well for you today Dilys and I really, really do hope it carries on that way. Yes I guess you are a bit of a trail blazer, but keep up the good work you inspire me!

Sorry about that tree Dahlia. The gardens this year are just a wash out really, I am glad I didn’t make too much of any effort with mine. Dilys, did those plants come up that you were planting in your yard back in April/May?

I went out in the wig today for the first time, must admit I was well pleased that it didn’t move at all in the winds! Got one or two quizzical looks (do you remember that hairspray advert - Is she or isn’t she?) just gave them a big grin and they all looked sharpishly in the oppositie direction!!!

Dilys, I am due for my next lot Tuesday as you said, blood test on Monday. Not sure if mine will speed up as I have to see the Chemo nurse before and that
took forever last time, never mind, soonest done, soonest mended.

Hope you have a good night Dilys and continue to feel okay. Hope to “speak” tomorrow.

All my love

Dear Pauline and Dahlia and everyone

Yes still ok this morning and slept like alog last night (stretched the one glass of wine rather too far!). And the sun is out for a change. Glad your wig was attached to your head Pauline. Know what you mean about the odd look, though I am almost past caring. I am sure mine wil stay on - justa bit nervy in case it blows off! The garden - ah! It looked great before I went into hospital in May but since then I have done NOTHING and it is an overgrown weed infested mess. I was thinking tis mornng I need to tackle it bit by bit, but each time I look it sends me scurrying indoors again!

Pauline you really must follow my lead so far. I wil be thinking of you next week but wll speak before then!

Lots of love


Hi All

Dilys, I am pleased to see you have now completed one third of your chemo and and still feel ok. Thats great isn’t it. The time passes by much quicker than you think it will at the start. I hope you continue to feel well.

Pauline, you asked about my radiotherapy. I finished 5 weeks rads on 20th June and went back to see the oncologist yesterday just to make sure all was ok. All seemed fine and he doesn’t want to see me again for 6 months. In the meantime I think I will see the breast care consultant and have a mammagram in 3 or 4 months. It’s your 2nd chemo on tuesday isn’t it. Have you had a chance to speak to anyone about getting some more effective anti sickness meds yet?

I thinkI will try to get out in the garden now. Hope it doesn’t rain. Again!!!

Love to all

Love Lollie x

Dear Lollie

I am glad it is all going well for you now. Some people say they feel a bit down when treatment has finished but I hope that doesn’t apply to you.
At least it seems they don’t let you go too long before they are checking up.

Yes, my second Chemo Tuesday. I go to my own Doctor’s Monday for the blood test so I won’t actually see anyone until Tuesday morning who I can talk to about the anti-sickness meds. But I will make sure I mention it before I get my second dose.

I too have been in the garden today, for the first time since May!! Fortunately hubbie has been pottering so it’s not too bad.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

love to all

Dear Pauline, Lollie and everyone

Pauline I hope it will be ok for you next week. I am still fine though I couldn’t sleep last night. May or may not be connected, who knows? I haven’t had the nausea. If it helps they give me Metoclopramide tabelts - 10 mg and two four times a day. I finish the last ones today, and it seems to work for me. I know they also run anti-nausea through with the chemo but am not entirely sure what it is.

We have decided to get someone in to clear our yard! It is just too much at present. Lazy or what?

Much love


Dearest Dilys

Thanks for your good wishes for tomorrow. I will check what the tablets I had were called.

Hope you are still feeling okay and hopefully slept better last night.

Don’t feel guilty about getting someone in to clear your yard, you really can’t do everything at the moment.

Hope to be on here tomorrow to say I am fine - fingers crossed.

lots of love

Hi Pauline

I just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you. Hopefully they will get your anti sickness meds sorted so that you will be back tomorrow evening to let us know how it went.

Love Lollie x

Hi Ladies I am glad to see that you are all doing very well, yes best wishes for tomorrow Pauline, I hope that you get things sorted out, its not nice being sick, infact it’s one of the worst feelings you could have…

I just wanted to let you know, as you all seem to be doing so well, I am going to sign off from here now, I may pop back from time to time and I will pop back to see how you get on with this chemo Pauline…I am just a bit down with it all on here really, you can emmerse yourself in it and although our posts are always upbeat, I find myself with the new system looking at things that I don’t really want to read…

I am glad that I have met you all and you have all been a great inspiration to me and for that I thank you enormously…

Love to you all as always and keep your chins up


Dear Lucy

Oh I shall miss you but do understand how you feel. Thank you so much for all your support over the time we have been on here. Please pop back from time to time to let us know how you getting on (specially when you have hair again). And thank you for telling us you are signing out, otherwise we would have worried and worried about you. Please take care and don’t let it all get you down at this stage.

Pauline - good luck again for tomorrow and do let us know how it goes. I hate the night before hand don’t you?. I’ll be back in the evening after a day with the step grandchildren! And Candy I hope you are feeling better today? Sick is not good. I am just tired with the poor sleep but that is all really so far. Lollie are you ok? And Dahlia?

Lucy my dear, bye for now and thanks again for being there for us all.

Much love as ever


Hello Ladies,

Lucy i’m sorry i won’t see you on here so much, i will miss you, you have helped me a great deal and feel more like a friend than someone to just chat to, but i understand where you are coming from and wish you only the best for the future.

Hello Dilys yes i feel slightly better today, i have a stinking cold at the moment and seem to do nothing but sleep, i think my blood count must be low.

I hope everyone is all ok and enjoying the lovely sunshine, long may it last!

Love and best wishes to you all Candy.

Hi Candy

Know how you feel! Want to sleep but can’t at this end! This will all finish, worry not. So sorry about your cold - miserable in this weather.

Much love


Dear Pauline

How did it go? I really hope you are ok and have been thinking of you all day. What a lovely sunny day to have to waste at chemo though. When you can let us know how you are.

I had a lovely day with the step grandchildren. Eight year old Alex loved the hair (wg) and tried on all the turbans, and can wear a bandana in a way I cannot! It made me feel real again. Children are such a joy are they not?

Lazily waiting now for a man to come and look at the yard!

Much love Pauline and everyone
