Message for Julie41

Hi Julie,

Just wanted to wish you all the very best for your op next week(think its 3rd Oct??) You have lifted me a lot whilst I have had my down moments - just like a few of the others ladies on here have, but I have a hecttic week with work next week and prob wont get on as much so just wanted to send you a big hug and best wishes.

Love Lynne

Hi Lynne

Thank you for your lovely message - yep, my op is tomorrow and I’ll be glad when its over ! Having said that, the ladies on here have told me it’s not that bad, and one even said having her appendix out was much worse, so that makes me feel better. Am looking forward to the rest though to be honest, as like you, I’ve worked as much as I can through my chemo, and more so since it finished.

Hope you’re doing ok honey, and you’re getting used to wearing your bandana !

Take care

Love Julie xx

P.S That Director you know who came to work for “us”. Are his initial’s MS ? If so, then yes I know him ! Small world isn’t it ?

Good luck for tomorrow Julie, will be thinking of you and hope everything goes OK. Let us know how you get on when you are up and about to get on here.

Take care and sending lots of love

Best of luck - although I’m sure luck doesn’t come into it really…anyway hope you are soon back home and feeling OK.

Take care, love and hugs
