Hi Mills,
Just to let you know I’m back home after surgery now. Had craniotomy on Monday and was allowed home yesterday. Feeling quite normal really and no balance problems or sickness. Still on high dose dex but starting to reduce gradually. Had an MRI scan and 2 tumours removed completely with just one third left behind from the one which was difficult to get to.See onc in 2 weeks but have been told will be allowed to heal for 6 weeks before next treatment - radio probably. I hope you’re coping with WBR and not suffering too much. Take care bye for now, Gemini x
Hi Gemini
Sounds as if you are doing well thank goodness. Lisa ( daughter) had her craniotomy and one large tumour removed from front of head 18 days ago. She is now having WBR because of another smaller tumour to base of skull and in case anything else sinister is lurking and has just completed 5 days … same as Mills …she is thankful that it is the weekend and 2 days off. I expect you know some of this if you have been following my thread about Lisa. We did mange a little walk in the sun at Poole Harbour this morning before coming home … she was slow but managed it. She has had very little trouble from the op … just the odd little stabbing pain but has been pleased with the neatness of the scar and of course she has the fat face from the steroids. She is now feeling very lethargic from rads but still fighting.
Hope that you continue to do well Gemini, keep fighting too … will be thinking about you.
Love Sue & Lisa xx
Hi Sue and Lisa,
Thanks for your message I’ve been reading about Lisa and hope she’s doing ok. I know what you mean about the steroids but they seem to be doing the job for me with balance and I don’t have any pain now. When I move onto my next treatment probably radio I’ll check in on how you’re doing. Hope you both have a nice weekend rest take care, Gemini xx
Hi Collette
hope all is going well with treatment and you are not to knackered.
I am also following postings of Gemini and Lisa send my best wishes to you all
I started my second course of Taxol and Avastin today. Had a scan on Tuesday great news 50 per cent reduction in liver tumours.
Keep up the fight girls.
Love DebsinCornwallxxx
Hi Debs
That is wonderful news … you must be over the moon. I have been following everyones progress too. Lovely to hear some good news.
Love Sue , & Lisa xx
Hi Debs,
Great news about your response to treatment here’s to the next 50% reduction, take care xx
sorry for not posting, but feel like a train wreck, the rads was much worse than I expected. I am not noted for my patience and my frieds keep telling me I am no spring chicken. Glad to hear the surgery went well but be prepared for tiredness after rads. The Macmillan nurse told it it could take 4 weeks to recover!!. Hopefully Spring will arrive and I can sit in the garden and watch the birds. I have just discovered on line shopping and its great. My groceries will arrive tomorrow morning and will be put on the kitchen table for me. How good id that!!
Good luck with the treatment and post when you can. Lots of love
Colette xx
Hi Colette
I seem to be chasing you all around thisforum. Great to hear you are on the mend I know what you mean about on line shopping I am becoming adicted to the shopping channel as well. How sad is that I had never used a coputet until Jan this year.
Love Debsxxx
Hi MIlls
Glad to hear from you and sorry you feeling bad.Have you had any other side effects and how is your hair. Am waiting to hear what happens next for me and when. Will get back in touch once I know , take care bye for now xx