message for princess18

Hi Kelly

Just a message to say what an encouragement you are on the forum. I have read a lots of your posts and know that you have not had it very easy yourself.

You are always as an inspiration to new people joining, and to others looking for information or encouragement.

I have finished my treatment and have now returned to work full time and feel as if I am getting back into the human race again. I won’t say normal, as who knows what that is now after all we have been through.

I am quite a bit older than you (a lot actually) if you could read my profile you would see just how much!

Please, whatever you do, do not lose your obvious kindness and helpfulness to others. The world needs more people like you. No wonder your boyfriend thinks you are wonderful!

I will be married for 37 years this year, and like your boyfriend, my husband (my toy boy by two years) changed my dressings without batting an eyelid, so hold on to him, he sounds like a lovely person too.

Please take care and let us know how you are getting on.

Love and take care

Hiya Kelly

Just wanted to echo what Thistle has just said. You make me smile loads, you’re like a little mouse - getting everywhere lol. Your positive words and unending kindness have been a great help to a lot of people, your boyfriend must be so proud of his little princess. I’ve finished my chemo (yay) and am due to start rads on 3rd Sept, it hasn’t been as bad as I expected and my hair is now about 1.5 inches short (I’d say long, but it’s not).

Keep it up girl, you’re doing a fine job.

Love Julie xxx

Just thought Would i echo what these other ladies have said. You are a very thoughtful, caring lady. My sister is 36, single with no children, has had a mastectomy, and chemo for a large grade 3 cancer, now awaiting radiotherapy. She has had ovaries out and started arimidex.I know what she has had to go through and she has been so strong. She says she has no choice ! You don’t have any choice but she has coped very well as i am sure you are doing, staying strong and taking one day at a time. You seem to be a positive YOUNG lady Kelly and these strengths will carry you through. Sending you lots of best wishes and positive thoughts to kick this cancers ar–. x

Having already posted a similar message recently, I wanted to again confirm what we all think - Kelly, you’re a star !

You are going through so much yourself, and yet you’re always on here giving support, encouragement and brilliant advice to the rest of us.

Lots of love, hugs, and thanks

Julie xxxxxxx

Hi Kelly

Just wanted to add to this too. You are such a supportive lady to everyone on this site and obviously although you are going through so much, you still find the time to comfort and support every single one of us. I hope that once you get through all your treatment that you do manage to go ahead and have that family you want, and I reckon you would make a wonderful mummy.

Thanks for giving so much to all of us on this site and keeping us positive with your advice and encouragement.

Take care

Dear Kelly

Just wanted to add my agreement to this - seen many of your comments and you are just great.



Oh ladies!

For a change I just do not know what to say!!! How absolutely lovely of you to even think of posting such a message thistle, and how delightful that you other stars have added your awesome comments too!! I feel like a bit of a celebrity!! Ha,ha LOL! To say these messages have brought a tear to my eye is an understatement and you have all left me totally overwhelmed. I am truly gobsmacked but also very grateful.

I just don’t know how to respond to such wonderful messages. I think I just have soooooo much free time on my hands at the mo, as I am still not working and we don’t have children, that I spend an awful lot of time on my laptop, and usually on this site. I am just so pleased that you guys find my many posts helpful at times. I have an awful lot to say for myself don’t I!!!

I have to thank everyone else who posts on here, I honestly don’t know how I would’ve got through this past few months without the unfloundering support from you wonderful people. And to think that none of us even know each other! (Well, apart from my fellow ‘Pink Ribbons’ of course, who do know me and are prob wondering what all the fuss is about! LOL).

You have really made my day. Thank you sooooooo much,

Take care all,


Kelly - can I have your autograph!!!
You are certainly a celebrity on this site and I was so pleased to read what others have said about you.
you have done wonders for me and just wanted to say my thanks like the others have - well done

Kelly and Dawn H many a time when someone posts I think I will reply but I confess that I know if I wait a bit you or Dawn will both come up trumps and answer so much better than I. I have always been a bit like that letting someone else do the donkey work!! lol no to be serious you are both great thanks Eileen

Yes I agree - Kelly and Dawn H - thank you both

Anthi x

Just wanted to add my penny worth - I couldn’t agree more. Kelly, you are so strong and a source of good advice. You replied to my first post back in June and since then we have kept in touch through threads. You even worry if I don’t log on for a few days - thank you for your support and friendship.
Sending lol, Tracy xxx


I’m sure I speak for Dawn too when I say you are more than welcome. I am just so pleased that our posts are able to help people as much as others help me/us,

thanks again,
