messgae for anafiz
messgae for anafiz Hi Ana
Just read your profile and it sounds like you have been well and truly let down, all that waiting and sitting on positive results, have you concidered suing? It sounds like you have a dam good case to me.
Apart from that, I wanted to say good luck for the mastectomy, I had one and it was far better than I thought, a sad time but with a positive outcome.
Good luck today, I’ll be thinking of you.
Love Irene
2 days post op!! hi irene…thanx for your message…just discovered bedside internet…2 days post op…recon looks fab…tummy very tight as they had to take virtually all my abdo fat and therefore lots of skin…i have had a nightmare and its taken so long even with me demanding 2nd and 3rd opinions…if it had spread to my nodes i would defo be seeking legal advice…however i reckon the outcome would have been pretty much the same if diagnosis had been jan 05!!! will be getting copies of my notes tho!!
glad op is done and am now no longer anna with cancer…what a relief.
thanx for your support
anna xxxx