Metasteses in the eye

Now 4 weeks post radiotherapy to my eye tumour and nearly completed first 3 week cycle of chemo so I had a check up with my Onc on Friday.

My vision is still very blurred in my left eye although I am sure it has improved slightly as I no longer have a complete black spot. The good news is that there is still time for further improvement but the bad news is that the tumour may have done some damage that destroying the tumour alone will not cure. I have an appintment as the Specialist centre in Liverpool in December so it will be good to hear what they have to say and whether they can put it right for me.

I must admit to having taken my good eyesight for granted, I am sure many of us do, and one of the worst things about all this is the fear that I might lose my sight because of this awful disease. I know I am a long way from that at the moment but… I love reading and walking up the snow covered fell this morning with the Bella and OH and looking at the views was just wonderful.

Sue x

Hi All

I have just been for my check up at Liverpool Eye Research Centre and asked them a few more questions than I did last time. Yes, I had my wits about me today!

So, the tumour has decreased slightly, so going in the right direction. Iwas disappointed as I was expecting it to have shrunk much more but she said no, she would have been surprised if it had. She said that it can take up to six months to melt away completely. The tumour leaks fluid and it is the fluid in the centre of my eye that is causing the visual problems. Anyway, the good news is that my vision has improved from last time, I knew that but I didn’t have any measurement until today, I was able to read 6 lines of the chart as opposed to 3 lines last time - so a good result. I am to go back again in 4 months time to see the Professor but must get in touch with them if there I have any problems in the meantime.

Have a lovely Christmas everybody.
Sue xx

So good to read about your positive news about your eye.
I’m sure you are delighted and value every sight with real ‘newness’ after having had a deterioration in your vision…
You’re right we do take our sight for granted but what an awful ‘lesson’ you’ve had to endure to get to this point!
I’m sure you were wishing for far greater progress but ‘you’re going the right way…’ and as your consultant explained it will take time. However, I can understand your impatience!

I really hope you feel pleased with your progress and trust your Professor. It’s good you can get in touch with him if you need to, especially for reassurance.

You’ve coped with this awful event so well, I really admire you and all your ‘matter of fact’ courage.
I trust Christmastime will be a happy time for you and your loved ones. You deserve it.
I’ve been away from the site recently as I’ve had to cope with non-stop work deadlines for Christmas as I design and produce hand-made gifts! Gradually reading and catching up with ‘my’ threads and found your news just now. Forgive the absence!

With my best wishes from Welsh girl xx

PS My eye problems have diminished but they think it is exacerbated by a new middle-aged allergy that I have developed…
What next I wonder?
I now start each day with 20 sneezes, streaming eyes and all the symptoms of a head cold. At first I kept waiting to be ill but by midday I’m fine!Don’t understand it but it is very minor in comparison to what you’re going through!

Good news!!!

I had my check up in Liverpool today and the tumour has gone from my left eye - it has dissolved away as they said it would. There is a scar left that is still causing my vision to be slightly affected but nothing that a good pair of reading glasses won’t put right. It may even improve/heal further, so here’s hoping.

Sue x

Hi Sue, oh what fabulous news…I’m so pleased for you. :slight_smile: x

This is great news Sue. Such a relief for you. x

Julie x

Great news, so happy for you xx

Fantastic, delighted for you. x

Sue that’s marvelous news! So pleased for you! Good excuse for an extra piece of cake !!!
Julie xx

Really happy to hear this Sue, fantastic news xx

Wonderful news!
I’m toasting you with my cocoa!

Big hugs from Welshgirl xx

Great news Sue! Hope you celebrated, and keep on attacking the other buggers :slight_smile:
Nicky xx

Its great to read that they can do something about BC mets in the eye. I have BC skull mets, and apparently these sometimes spread to the optic nerve, so you post offers hope.

Lovely to read good news Susie, and a great encouragement to others to know that these things do take time.


That is fantastic news! Go out and celebrate and have a great weekend!

Wow ! Fantastic news Sue :slight_smile:
delighted for you. Here’s hoping your other mets follow suit very soon, and bu*ger off too.
Tina x

Hi Sue,

That’s really good news!

All the best, Sarahx

Thank you for all your good wishes girls. Yes, always good to have something poisitive to report.

Have a good weekend all. Sue x