Hi, I’ve been told I have brain tumour of 2.7 cms on the cellebellum of my brain and all over my lungs. I’m 35 and had her2 positive breast cancer 2 years ago. I’ve been told I probably have a couple of years left, but that the tumour is in a good place to cut out, will be followed by radiotherapy where it was and I’ll be on herceptin for the lungs. Any survival stories beyond just a couple of years would be great please, I’m devastated and terrified x
Hi Hilsey,
Welcome to this board. You will get lots of support on here and it really helps! I’m sorry that you have to be here but glad that you have found us. Please don’t listen to what your onc says or to statistics. The statistics are way out of date and I don’t know why doctors give a time like he has done because they don’t know! You will see when you look at the forums in more depth that herceptin can control BC for years and there are other drugs coming out all the time.
I was diagnosed with lung Mets almost 3 years ago and I am still here and doing virtually everything I was doing then.
Please be positive. Do as much research as you can so that you know what treatment is available.
If you Google for “positive stories” for lung Mets you will find survival stories of several years. Good luck with your treatment Hilsey and keep on this forum. You will find it very helpful. Love Sheila. Xx
Hi Roxy thank you so much you’ve given me such hope and you sound very positive. I’ve been so positive through everything and now feel defeated, and going through the stages of planning, thoughts of death etc and have felt like I’ve given in a little but know I’ll redeem myself again. Do you know much about herceptin treatment for lungs? Can it destroy or merely control? Did you have many tumours? I apparently have lots of small nodules? X
Thanks chocolates, yes let me know! I’m glad you said that about acceptance and planning not meaning giving in, I think it’s part of the natural feelings we all have, considering our mortality before we say hang on a moment I’m sooooo not ready for a good while yet!!! Thank you and good luck to you chocolates. X
Hi lulu and thanks. Can’t believe you’re not diabetic to add to it all! You’re so brave and I wish you well too thank you x
Thank you no I’m not having chemo to begin. I think they’re hoping herceptin (and are quite confident) will control them for now with minimal side effects. Thanks Roxy/Sheila I wish you well and glad things are under control x