Might seem like a weird question!

Oh I didnt throw it, they have it in a china bowl. Of course!!! Only getting one egg a day so had to buy some. Apparently eggs are going up 29p a dozen!! Feed prices are on the increase due to bad summer and low harvest of corn. Knew I’d done the right thing getting my feathery friends.
I keep a tally of the eggs we’ve collected. Todate it’s 837! They started laying a week before Xmas last year… That is not including the weekends away camping when the chicken sitter (neighbour) collects them nor the three week summer holiday in france!! There is only five little ladies. Great isnt it…

Didn’t realise they were so productive - yet another reason to do it. Love the idea of the china bowl, completes the mental image somehow! I think I shall paint the henhouse pale blue and plant pansies round about it… I will need a pinafore, cloche hat and galoshes.

I haven’t had an egg here for about a month now! I really degrudge buying the them, I’m sure the girls are laying but as we have the two little chicks, I think their mum is keeping the other girls away from the boxes. I expect the hill is scattered with little nests full of eggs!!!

The chicks are starting to feather up nicely now although I’m sure one is going to be a cockerel, I already have too many so time will be approaching to dispatch a few of the older ones :frowning:

A question for you residential area hen-keepers, anyone had problems with rats? We do with the chickens we keep at the yard, but then there’s all manner of feed around, chicken, horse and even pig food as they are free range in the surrounding fields… I hate them, and it would really put me off if I thought it would encourage them in the gardens… but would love to offer an new home to a few ex-battery hens when we’ve setled in our new house. Advice and info welcome!

It’s the feed that attracts the rats. It’s high protein stuff and just right for Mr and Mrs Ratty. The feed needs to be in good metal containers. We lots of cats around, two of them belonging to us. I think they also help. I never leave food out overnight.