Mood swings and Tamoxifen

Hi my name is Kayla, i am 25 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer at 20. I am now in my 4th year taking Tamoxifen and feel like it is controlling my mood swings and sometimes it can be very upsetting, i have been to the doctors as i thought i was depressed but was told it was only mild depression but sometimes i feel really upset or sad for no reason and i have no control over it. Does anyone have anything that could help me with this?

Thanks xx

Dear Kayla

I was sorry to hear how you’re feeling. I can’t begin to imagine how horrible it’s been for you having to go through all this, particularly at such a young age. Has the connection between feeling depressed and having had breast cancer been discussed by your doctor with you? Tamoxifen may well be contributing to some of your feelings, but the breast cancer experience itself has a big impact on our lives and can affect our emotions and mood for a long time - we don’t just go back to feeling exactly how we did before we had our ops and treatment.
If you don’t feel there’s a dr at your surgery you can talk to, have you thought about contacting Breast CAncer Care’s support for Younger Women, and speaking to someone? If it were me I think I’d give it a try. Best wishes.

Hi Kayla

I am now into my final year on tamoxifen and just can’t wait to finish, I started with the hot flushes etc, then the blues now I feel I cannot control my mood swing and sometimes quite frightenly with the speed. I have nagged and broke down down to my GP, Breast surgeon and Onc and they all comment how good I am doing and how it is helping me (which I do appreciate when I know first hand from a very good friend who it didn;t work for) but it is a very hard pill that pulls your emotions to and fro so much. Hang on in - I have - your nearer the end.

Deb X

ive only been on tamox for 6 months, and the mood swings are here. As well as bloating, weight gain, tropical moments (flushes), etc.

My hubby says that sometimes it’s like hes living with all of the 7 dwarfs. Grumpy, Sleepy, etc