More Surgery :-(

Thanks Jo
Managed to get some sleep last night and the drain is only increased slightly. I don’t expect it to be taken out today but hopefully over the weekend but I have nothing to do today apart from rest as kids are both in school and OH is at work
Sam xxxxxx

Sounds good to me!

Hi Sal, I was also originally told grade 1 but when they removed the lump as it was bigger this made it grade 2 and therefore this is what what made it necessary for the chemo. Previously as a grade 1 lump I was only due to have radiotherapy which would have meant no chemo and back at work in a couple in a couple of months, now I won’t be back till May ! (Not a bad thing ! )
I don’t think you should receive these letters as this is what I also received and my letter talked about my cancer being more invasive and used terms that we were unfamiliar with so I called my Breast Care nurse. I would advise you to do the same as she really reassured me and explained everything.
I know it is so hard not to worry but they need to know everything and if there is chance of spread for both of us then I want to know that the doctors have all the information to treat and rid us of this and let us get on with our lives.
Ill be thinking of you today and in a few hours another hurdle will be crossed for you
Big hugs
Sam xxxx

Sal,  Don’t worry about this stuff.  My tumour was grade 3 -it sounds scary when they use words like aggressive and invasive but these are medical terms which don’t mean the same to them as they do to us.  This I found out when I thought it all had to happen yesterday but they feel a few weeks will make no difference.  Just because it was in your nodes it doesn’t mean it spread elsewhere and if it has chemo will do its magic. They know what they are doing!


Fingers crossed for good news for you and try not to spend the whole waiting time worrying - easier said than done I know…xxxx

Hi K M
I have to have this drain in until it drains less than 30ml on 24 hours and that could be a few days so I know I’d rather be at home . I had a nurse come round this afternoon to check the drain and my dressing a d she will be back everyday until the drain is out - the sooner the better as I have to negotiate a shower tomorrow !
Sam xxx

Hi Sal
So glad you are on the other side of this scan and great that potentially your surgeon will have your results by Monday. I’ve had a lazy day, been fine all day but about 5 mins ago I went into the kitchen and caught my tubing round a cupboard handle and pulled it out if the bottle - didn’t hurt me but broke the vacuum so I’m now waiting for a nurse to come round and change the bottle, so annoying but all part of this silly process.
At least now you can have a restful weekend
Sam xxxxx

Ha ha yes ill name it now and let you know. I wouldn’t mind but I’ve been on my own all day and managed several trips to the kitchen to make a brew, get food and wash up but the minute OH gets home this happens !!!
You have to laugh don’t you :slight_smile:
Sam xxx

Sal I am not always calm and reassuring believe me - I have my moments too.  Even though it wasn’t in my nodes I am still imagining spread to the bone and brain.  I have a tenderness in my right breast bone (probably part of the healing from the op) and the other morning had a headache.  Nothing is simple and straight forward any more, i wouldn’t have thought twice about either issue if it wasn’t for b****y cancer!  Part of me thinks I should ask for a bone scan for reassurance but I am trying to keep things in perspective.


Sam - Oh dear!  Hope the nurse comes soon and glad it doesn’t hurt. :smileywink: 


Hi Sal
How did you manage to shower with the drain on ? The nurses came last night and changed the bottle but I think the problem I have is that it is obviously interfering with one of the nerves in my arm so I can’t move without a sharp burning pain going down my arm which is agony. Unfortunately ‘Dracula Drain’ us going nowhere as it is still rising, not much but too much to be taken away :frowning:
I think if feel better if I cud shower but just not sure if I can, I presume the bottle is watertight as nothing comes out and it may be easier to sit in a bath ?
Sam xxxx

Thanks Sal, I’m sure that will make me feel tons better
Enjoy your day, it won’t be long till Drac has gone then I can have a few treatment free weeks
Sam xx

Hi Sal
I’m fine, I managed a bath, it was maybe a little fuller than it should have been and I can’t be sure some bubbles didn’t sneak in there. Anyway, Drac is still with me and probably will be all weekend. I’m hoping that when it comes out I lose this nerve pain as that is the main problem.
I know what you mean when you say you feel fine . I do most of the time , I find it hard to even think that I have cancer as I don’t feel ill at all for most of the time and as soon as Drac is gone I will make the most of the time I have before the chemo starts.
Anyway, I have absolutely no plans for the weekend which is great, are you up to anything ? If so enjoy
Speak soon
Sam xxx

Sal are you a teacher too?

Sal - You need to take advice on working because I was told no way working with children whilst on chemo due to low immunity.  You do not want to be picking up any infections along the way!  Put yourself first.  I know it is hard as I hated having to leave my class but that was what was needed.  Have been in for an hour and a half each day this week and it is great to be doing something useful again.  Going to start building up more hours at least until rads start so not such a shock when go back properl which will probably not be until the new year realistically.


Joanne1970 - Hi!  Sorry to hear that you need a third op - that must have been a shock for you.  How long do you need to wait?  I am also a Joanne born in 1970 as I guess you were.  This does seem to strike women of our age more than you think!  Good luck for your mx and don’t worry, loads of people on here have had them and have recovered well and quickly - you will be fine - and you will have got rid of the little ******. x

KM are you in a secondary school?  Primary teaching was most def a no no for me.  I also had chemo between May and Sept.


Sal yes see your point if its just a couple of kids and well known hygene and health history - much more straight forward.  Believe me I am not a stay at home person either.  I did all my classes lesson plans, wrote their end of year reports and did the final assessments to keep busy whilst I was at home during chemo.    Sorry you had to cancel your holiday - me too!  But I am looking forward to a lovely extended one next year when this is all behind me.





Sal I love not being at work as I work from 7 till 5 most days and live an hour from work and when I get there it is so stressful . All of this has really made be think that I just can’t go back as I hate being away from home so much. I have a new role as well which means I have to go to our Aberdeen office twice a month and that’s a 5am start and I don’t get jobs till 8/9 so indefinitely not missing that !
I have to say though I’d fly to Aberdeen right now rather than have this drain. I pulled it again today and it is permemantly on my nerve now and do painful. The nurse has been but says as it is still doing its job it is fine but my arm is numb one minute, burning pain the next then like a block of ice and I don’t know what to do with myself ! I didn’t think this would happen .
Sam xxx

Hi Sal
I’ve tried to do exercises but with this nerve trapped I can’t really. I think I’m struggling so much as usually I am the one who never complains and just puts up with things but this is something else ! The nurse said she had seen this happen before but as you say hopefully it will be gone soon although it would make a great Halloween costume !!!
Yes my hours are long, I do t really mind that as I bet you work the same but I guess it’s the fact I don’t enjoy it when I get there is the issue . The company I work for has changed a lot over the last 8 years I’ve been there and it is a case of the more you do the more they expect. My colleagues are wonderful though and I miss them. Yesterday I had flowers and chocs from the girls in the Aberdeen office and today I’ve had more flowers from my office so that cheered me up
Thanks for the gentle hugs :slight_smile:
Sam xxxc

No , a load of rubbish TV, a Chinese and maybe a beer !!!
have a good night
Sam xxxx

Hi Susie
Thanks for that, I did have a bath but it may have been a bit too full and some bubbles may have gone in but hey, it made me feel better ! Ill probably do this every other day as I think it will still be with me till at least Tuesday xxx
Sam x

Sal - I think we think the worst so we are prepared for the worst, then any news we get can’t be a shock and if it is better news then all good.  Words of wisdom I have been told is why waste energy worrying about things that may or may not happen - good advice but easier said than done.  All the very best for tomorrow, let us know what happens.  Imagine me there with you holding your hand if it helps. Big hugs. xx

Hi Sal
I’m so sorry you are worrying but we just can’t help that I’m afraid and as Dodo says if we prepare for the worst news then hopefully we will get better news. Ill be in the same boat in a few days, I’m not sure when ill get my results as the apt for that is on 22nd but last time it was a week earlier.
Anyway I hope the news is good, let us know.
Drac has behaved today as much as it can but unfortunately is still draining so therefore still with me for a few more days, I’m going to the drop in clinic on Tuesday morning so I hope my BCN says it can come out
Ill be thinking if you tomorrow
Big hugs
Sam xxxxx