As some of you know, I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer, I attended appt on Monday, my consultant who is fab by the way discussed options and pit treatment plan in place, I also had my pre op same day, then on Tuesday I had a call from breast care nurses to say I needed to attend hospital for a CT scan, I arrended yesterday, but don’t have results or know when or why it was requested, any ideas, I don’t have another appt to see consultant until op day which is next Thursday xx
thanks for any advice
Sue xx
Its ok, I have spoken to breastcare nurse, she said results usually take a week to come back, and to ring next Tuesday, although they can’t tell me over phone, I’m sure if it is urgent they will request I go in to see consultant before op, and if I don’t hear anything, no news is good news.
Sue xxx
Hi Yealand,
I also was diagnosed with grade 3 (4.7cm) BC last November and had to go for a CT scan out of the blue. I was so worried, but managed to keep pushing the fear down up until the night before, then it just took over and I was having a really big wobble, but I came on here and the ladies comforted me and calmed me down.
As it turned out, there was nothing to be afraid of, it was just routine and it was all clear. It makes sense that they want to make sure they are giving you the right treatment.
Just keep coming on here and we will catch you when you wobble.
Sending you huge big hugs
Hi Yealand,
Not long to go, I promise you, you will be fine. Whilst I was waiting for my mx, there were a lot of ladies having lumpectomies and they have recovered really well. We are all still a bit tender.
I went back to work just before 4 weeks, and so did a lot of the lumpectomy ladies.
If you’ve got any questions, pop them on and I’ll ask them to come and answer you if that helps.
Hugs Susan
Hi, I had a quadrantectomy nearly 3 weeks ago, that’s where about a quarter of tissue is taken away. It was originally thought that I would have a smaller amount of tissue removed but on the day I ended up with much more needing to be removed.
I obviously didn’t have a partial reconstruction or reduction at the same time as it wasn’t planned but am going to discuss options on Thurs with my surgeon when I get my results. In the past few days I’m beginning to see the result of the surgery on my boob! I’ll be interest to hear how you get on!
I wanted to say that my op was very manageable, I had 2 wire localisations done first. After the op I had one drain and was looked after very well before, during and after. The pain was bad for about 24 hrs but controlled by pain killers and after that it was OK and I was pain free really after just a few days I think. The drain was removed at the hospital on day 5 post op. I have been resting alot and followed the instructions given to me at the hospital, no lifting etc etc.
I’ve been wearing a good supportive front zip sports bra 24/7 once my bandages came off which was recommended to me by someone here.
You will be fine and everyone is here to support you through.
Big hug.
Hi Yealand,
I just wanted to wish you luck for your operation tomorrow.
Before you know it, you will be at home resting. Don’t be surprised if all you want to do it sleep for a couple of days - go with it.
Lots of hugs
All the very best for tomorrow sending you loads of hugs xxx
Let us know how you got on when you are able to xxx
Well done! That’s great news. Hope all goes OK for you tmw. I’ve got my results tmw too.
Best wishes.
Thank you. I’m feeling quite calm currently. Speak to you tmw!
Thanks. I’m feeling OK and just want an answer either way.
Will let you know!
Hi, Had to wait around 90 minutes at hospital this morning which was torture but good pathology results for me!! High risk lesion 9cm*4cm was removed. All benign.
Follow up mammogram in July. Then if OK yearly then if OK back into the screening programme. Surgeon said it will take 1 year for boob to settle completely in to its new size and shape so no point in contemplating any form of corrective/symmetry surgery for a year+. Just hope it doesn’t shrink any further than it already has done this past week!
I’m very relieved and glad to no longer have this “thing” hanging over my head, although I’m not really sure that it’s completely sunk in yet… . I feel lucky to have come out of this with just one boob smaller than the other.
Back to the waiting for results though ofcourse after the mammogram in July!
Yealand, hope its going OK today. Thinking of you.
Just checking in with you to see how your op went yesterday. Hope you are ok and recovering from it without too much pain. Let us know how you are doing when you can.
Helena xxx
Hi Yealand and Silverlady.
Please to here you are doing OK. Rest up and take care.
Best wishes
Thanks Anniej. Best wishes to you. Xx