MRI - what happens?

I had an MRI two weeks ago for my breasts…i went to the mri suite, was asked to put on a gown and fasten it at the front, i then had a canular inserted into the vein into my arm for them to inject dye into my body…i handed over my cd which i was told i could take to listen to…the scanner looks like a bed and at the top of the bed were two perspex looking boxes and a headrest, imagine a massage table but with two plastic boxes to accommodate your breasts…the boxes had cotton wool on the edges, i was asked to open my gown, and place one breast in each box and place my head on rest, i had earphones placed on my head, was given a plastic stress ball type thing to press if i needed someone, then in a went, it did not hurt and wasn’t as indiginified as i thought it was going to be…it was all over in about 40 mins, i only felt slightly dizzy when i stood up, but it was a painfree experience. the reason they do this for breasts is the cancer i have (invasive lobular) hides itself and this is able to show the denisity as it gives a 3d picture, the only grumble i have is that it took the hospital 10 days to get a 6 line report from this scan…if we can produce the pictures immediately now why can’t we have the results quicker??? i hope this is of some help to you…

I had lots of MRI’s throughout my chemo as I was in a trial. I thought it would be horribly clasutrophobic but it wasn’t too bad. I had a buzzer which was reasurring but never needed to use it. As others have said, I imagined I was lying on a sun lounger and drifted off a bit.

I could keep my engagement and wedding rings on. My hospital gave me a gown and some pyjama-like pants and I kep my socks on so I was quite cosy!

I found them quite strange but really not unpleasant, especially compared to other things we have to go through! Good luck xx

Found the MRI ok the worse bit was the noise I thought it sounded a bit like a washing machine. Scan people lovely. Tried to think pleasant thoughts. This worked most of the time.