Mum with BC

That’s good news Jen. Hope your mum regains some physical strength - she is obviously a strong person. I hope she also accepts some help to keep her at home without it being too arduous for you.


I’m glad to hear there has been an improvement. This must all be so difficult for you in so many ways. I hope you can find a way to ensure you mother gets adequate care without you being run into the ground or having to neglect your family.


Thank you ladies for your kind words. Hopefully mum can build herself up a little over the next 3 months and things will improve more again.

Fortunately (??) a situation has arisen over the last few weeks regarding my son’s health, which has forced my mum to see that I cannot do everything for her, as much as I would like to. Hopefully this means that she will be a little more accomodating to everyones needs should anything untoward occur again.

Don’t mean that to sound selfish, I hope you get what I’m trying to convey!

Thanks again for tyour kind words and support, it means a lot xx

This roundabout doesn’t stop does it!!!???

Mum has had to have lung aspiration again last week, and despite that is still breathless. She started to deteriorate at the start of last week, and went downhill quickly. The nurses were great and got here in straight away for assessment and then aspiration next day.
The only thing they could say is that it is due to “disease progression” and will probably happen more and more frequently.

Has anyone else had experience of going through this?? Are they telling us nicely that this is a slippery slope down hill???

Mum did have a pleuro adhesis done 18months ago, but this fluid is now in her other lung, and given her current state of ill health (embolism in that lung, and now on heart meds) I don’t think they will do that again.

Any comments gratefully received. Thanks

Unfortunately my beautiful brave mum lost her fight on 29 March.
She has left a hole in my life that can never be filled, and she will never be forgotten.


On behalf of the moderation team here at BCC, please accept our condolences on the sad loss of your mum.

Take care.
Jo, Facilitator

Dear Jen
I have just read your post and would just like to say how very sorry I am for your loss - I wish you strength and love for the days ahead.
Love Esbee x

Jen, my mam passed away at the end of january at the age of 73 and i cant bring myself to stop reading the posts, as i have done for the last few years. I noticed your posts as i recall the feeling of worry over my mams health and trying to balance that with looking after my 3 year old. The initial feelings after she passed were so raw, they have eased slightly but i still have such sadness. I dont feel as much of the guilt i had during the time she was poorly and initially after she passed away as i believe i did everything i could to help her. I understand completely when you talk about the hole they leave, it sometimes feels like it hasnt happened even. I think we will always miss our mams, but we will learn to live on with the lovely memories. Take care.

Jen, you have said all that can be said. My mum died 28 years ago and I still think about her every day, though more and more it is with a smile than with tears. And yes, I still miss her, that will never go away. My thoughts are with you, it is such a sad time for you and your family.
