Hi anybody just want to talk. Feeling a bit low at the moment. Mum lost her fight with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. We both thought things were under control but it appears that she had metastatic breast disease. her death was peaceful and the hospital did a wonderful job on controlling her pain. i am woried even more now as I have also had br. Ca and had a mastectomy nearly 3 years ago. I am concerned that that I may develop it again in the other breast. Has anyone got any advice or help
Hi Lavinia
Firstly I am really sorry to hear of your mums death. My mum just died in Feb (not from bc), but nonetheless I know how you are feeling and my heart goes out to you.
I can so understand that this has heightened your worry. I had mast in Dec last year and I am almost 100% sure that I am going to get other breast removed preventativly - even tho I have no fh of bc. I just know I just dont want to go through all this again. I had chemo, then mast then rads, and unfortunately, just 2 weeks ago had a full node clearance following me discovering cancer in lymph nodes.
Is getting your other breast removed something you could consider?
Maybe you should contact your docs or bc nurse to discuss your concerns further?
Please just know that I am thinking of you
Take care
Hi Lavinia,
First may I say how sorry I am to read that your mum has passed away. It must be good for you to know that the hospital had good control of the pain for her and that it was a peaceful death. I believe your mum was elderly and quite frail and chose not to have treatment? I think you are right to be aware that you may be at risk of yours spreading but I am sure your hospital consultant is much aware of this too and will take good care of you. Are you having regular mammograms? So far I think you have just had tamoxifen so there are many options open if you should get a recurrence. I would say just be aware of any changes and seek advise if you should notice anything. I hope all goes well for you.
My thoughts go out to you xx take care