my diep

Every morning when i hear the postman my stomach turns, just hope other half is here when the date comes because dont think i will be able to open it ha ha, A brown envelope came through the door on Saturday it had Warrington hospital on the back i gave it to Chas (my other half) said “Oh god open it” but it was to go to hospital on tuesday at 1pm to have photographs done!! obviously it must be before and after! i assume, did you have them done Lisaf? take care love, Lynn x

yeah I did as part of pre-op, it was like a proper studio type but with a big yellow cross on the floor, I think its also so that surgeons can look at it to discuss what they are doing, everytime they look at mine they scratch their heads as Im so different on both sides, was hoping for just the small circle bit of skin but on the rads side looks like its going to have to have a big half moon strip of skin inserted as implant has only stretched skin at top.

Hope the photoshoot goes okay lol!! x

Hiya Lisaf, How are you? getting close now isn’t it? my photoshoot went well, I was sitting next to a lady who was having her post op pics done she had a tram flap in November, and is doing really well and has been back at work a couple of weeks, she had the same PS as i am having, she gave him a fantastic name which made me feel much better! still no date as yet! What date this month is your op Lisaf? take care love, Lynn x

hiya, pre-op went well until bloods, god with having a bad arm, attempted 5 times before sending me elsewhere, very wierd but felt a tad better being there so that it’s in my mind, so worried but hey ho and like you say people are really pleased afterwards. gulp gulp…

I just keep thinking of the summer hopefully i’ll on the mend!;-( I’m sure you will be love,it sounds like you’ve gone through it, I had my mastectomy in 2004, thankfully no other problems so hoping all goes ok with the recon! got a really nice button thru nightshirt yesterday from Matalan, will get another one next week only £8, Lynn xx

thanks lynn will pop in and get another me thinks, god nerves hitting in xx

Best wishes to Emma going in today for her DIEP tomorrow in London. Boy is she well prepared, I think she will need the GA to have a rest!

Big hugs, soon be on the upward journey…well, a bit bent over…lol

Good luck emma


Best of luck Emma, dont forget to let us know how your getting on!

Good luck Emma xx