… with surprise, pleasure, embarrassment - not sure which. A letter arrived thru post from surgery - not uncommon as I get calls to diabetic clinic, blood pressure checks, chiropody. Opened it and was stunned. From my usual GP, saying he’d had letter from onc in January after my last clinic visit but was a bit concerned he’d not heard from me / seen me - was I OK and reiterating he was there if I needed him!
How kind and thoughtful! Never heard of anything like that before!
How lovely and thoughtful of him. I have heard nothing from my GP since my initial diagnosis in September. I have since had a week in hospital for mx and reconstruction and 3 sessions of chemo. A quick phone call from the practice would have been appreciated.
Nina how lovely. I would love to have heard from my GP over the 22 years I have lived with bc!! The best I get when she sees me (which is rare) is “how are you, I haven’t seen you for ages”. A note like that means so much - treasure it.
Yep, my GP has also been wonderful. She rings me every few weeks to check how things are going, and when I was having chemo,and needed pain relief for a tumour flare, she even hung around after the surgery was closed, so that my husband could get there after work to collect the meds I needed.
Ive missed a couple of calls from my GP, who left messages asking how I was and when she saw my daughter she asked after me and said for me to make an appointment to go and see her just for a chat.