Thanks M xxx
Have justed read the info. ref. massage and medi bracklets.
Very usefull, had heard about the massage but unless you’re referred to special clinic no one tells you how to do this yourself. Thanks for that.
Also the bracket I think I will get one of those, you never know there may be a time when you are not able to communicate the info. NOT to use effected arm for blood pressure etc.
again thanks.
Bump for AndieT
Thanks S
Hi Lambikin!
I was also told I could have blood tuck from lymphoedema arm as my veins had collapsed in good arm and I had infection in it which tuck two weeks of antibiotics to clear !!!
I said no I wounldnt let them which did not impress the nurse ( its not here arm its mine she doesnt have any probs later I might ) I said she could take bloods from my leg she said she didnt know how to do that and would get a doctor , doctor didnt do it either cant remember why but I must of been ok with it .
Did have to have hick man line fitted so now no fear of bad arm being used . I have since spoke to chemo nurse who said some people can do boods from bad arm as they have had speacial training .
she said the rule it you cam take from the arm but never give …so I think she ment we can have blood taken but cant be given blood or chemo ect in thaty arm …
And they can take from any large vein including vein in ankle or leg but it is really trick so must would risk using bad arm !!!Thanks no way
Hi Maggie mine is also in my hand and finger and elbow have not had stocking yet but hot weather making it worse , will let you know when I learn more
Bump for Irene
Please can I post a question for Bahons2?
Just interested to know how you get on in France with them not taking blood, blood pressure etc from your arms? I am lucky only having one bad arm but is there a lymphoedema group in France that has the badge/card in French do you know?
Only asking for preventative measures, so far I’ve not had any problems and the hospitals I go to always ask which arm to use.
Many thanks
PS very interesting threads so thanks to FizBiz
Hi Peacock
I’ve had variable experiences with nurses, but most them are postive.
The ‘district’ nurses who comes to the house to take blood are really clued up and can now get it out of my foot as quickly as out of a bog standard arm. Ditto nurse at PET scan place in Toulouse and CT scanner in local hospital for injecting dye, etc into feet. These ladies encounter lots of people whose arms can’t be used for a variety of reasons and are not fazed by it.
The place where they seem least aware is, bafflingly, the chemo ward, but there is an onc there (one of a team of three) who keeps telling me that alll these lymphoedema precautions are a myth and you can do anything you like with a swollen arm!!! (have been nose to nose with him on a couple of memorable occasions) The nurses, of course, do what he tells them is ‘true’.
This business of using feet/legs instead of arms is ongoing for me, so I’ve bought my own blood pressure monitor and thigh cuff, so they have no excuse now not to use my legs and feet for BP.
There IS indeed a French Lymphoedema Association. It’s called Association Vivre Mieux le Lymphoedeme (AVML). Website:
The association is very much in its infancy and can’t boast the membership of the UK’s lymphoedema support network, but it’s growing. You can’t as yet buy alert bracelets (or anything else for that matter) from them, but read on…
Another useful link is:
It goes firect to the lymphoedema prevention page of the French Vascular Association website, where you can print off, in French, an 18 point guide to trying to avoid lymphoedema.
In fact, the guide mentions that you can only get French language lymphoedema alert bracelets in Canada, altho I suppose there is nothing to stop you having your own engraved. But I’m on the case with this one - we have a rellie who works in a hospital in Canada, so will ask her how to get one - hopefully they might actually be bi-lingual, which would be even better!!!
I am going to post this in the Expat thread as well…
X to all
Bump for neelie
Hello all - long time since I posted - all was going ok until the lymphodema started! This and the previous 2 threads are great for info - thanks!!
bumping for littlemrs