My mum and the end of steroids......

Hi, hope I’m ok posting here, it’s about my mum.

After having breast cancer seven years ago and having chemo and radio therapy mum was diagnosed with secondaries his past March (after being misdiagnosed for the past eighteen months which is a whole other story 8( sadly ) they are in her lungs and bones, she was hospitalised in Feb with pneumonia and quite a dramatic weight loss, turned out it was pleural effusion which when drained was found to have cancer cells. Unfortunately the cancer was quite wide spread so chemo wasn’t an option as mum was and is far too weak.
She’s on twenty four hour oxygen and lays on the bed all day, the oncologist has put her back on Arimidex and some steroids, the steroids seem to have worked wonders, giving her an appetite and some weight gain but last week the dr has decided to stop them, does anyone know why? Also what can I expect next? Will she deteriorate quickly now?

I spoke to her Macmillan nurse recently who told me that mum wasn’t expected to be here at the end of June and to think of each day as a blessing.

Thank you for reading.

Hello bubba

This must be a very difficult time for you and your family.

Whilst waiting for replies maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator

Oh Bubba, Im so sorry to hear the pain your post and I cannot imagine what you are going through at the moment but you will get through and remember every link in the chain gone from here is longer thicker, stronger chain up there.
Don’t be frightened to ring the doctors and oncologists yourself. Take control and find out for yourself that way you will be better armed for the near future and to put your mind at rest that mum is getting the best possible care.
My prayers are with you, your mum, and your family at such a difficult time. Talk to us any time on here sweetie. Lv n Hugs. Sandy. X

Thank you both of you. Looking through posts on this site certainly helps x

Hello bubba, so sorry to hear what is happening for your mum, you and your family. Will be thinking of you all at this very difficult time. Sounds as if you are really being there for your mum. As Sandy said, don’t hold back from asking the professionals any questions you want answered. Macmillan nurses are usually very good at communicating.
Post on here as much or as little as you feel you want to. I’m sure anyone who can help with info will be only too willing to post back. Meanwhile I’m sure we are all feeling for you.

Thank you Thumbie.
I live an hour away from my mum and dad, I’m an only child with four of my own so I only get down there once a week, I phone daily. Today she’s feeling unwell but can’t sleep and her leg keeps jerking and she’s finding it hard to eat and breathe at the same time 8( I suppose it’s good she’s actually eating (or trying to) her ankles are swollen also and she’s generally down as us my dad.
It’s all just horrible but thank you all for replying x

That’s a difficult situation. You’ve got a lot to balance. Be kind to yourself.