My mum's triple neg

Thanks for the 8 year info which you are right, it is 5 years primarily. I asked my man today and he said something similar I think! Although there was so much information to take in I can’t remember exactly what he said, but what you’ve written sounds familiar!

I got good news today, well, good news in the great scheme of things! My margins were clear and my nodes were clear - thank goodness for that! I am so relieved not to need more surgery and I can’t believe I’m happy about being able to start chemotherapy!!! How ironic is that?!

I’m now just waiting for an appointment with the oncologist and then the next chapter begins. You’re all correct, the waiting is the hardest part, and I havn’t really had to wait long at all. I know that chemo is not going to be nice, but I feel like I’m moving forward and thats a good thing.

Thank you all for your support, you’re all great!

Take care everyone xxx

Hi, I’m pleased you had good new today Bunny1!
I’m 30 and triple negative too, I’ve just had my third chemo so half way there now!

I just wanted to say I scared myself silly looking up tnbc on the internet, please dont do the same as me. It’s so easy to get carried away and believe everything we read, remember we are all different!

Good luck with chemo, I expected it to be absolutely awful, but its not as bad as you imagine!I get very tired, but not been sick once! (that was what I was most scared of!!)
Anyway just thought I’d say hi!
Emma x

Hi Bunny, so pleased about the great result. Please try not to worry too much about the chemo. Once you get the first one over you start to adjust to it. There’s no need to be sick with it, the nurses will give you anti-sickness pills which are excellent and there are the steroids which help too. Remember, you are not alone, we’re all in this together and will help you through it as much as poss.

Take good care of yourself and let us know how you get on. Hope everyone else is well today. Lots of love, Dianne x x x

Thank you Emma and Dianne. I am feeling much more positive although there are other things to think about further down the line. Like the BRCA1 test and what to do in the future. Everything is pointing to me having this gene and so I need to understand what this may entail. There is so much information to absorb, and all the decisions are so huge. I know that I should be focussing on chemo but I like to have everything boxed off - I think I’m a control freak! Oh, and I suffer with OCD too!!!

The thing with this illness is that you feel helpless and out of control. You’re having to rely on other people and their expertise and that’s scary.

Anyway, today is going to be a good day as we are going for lunch with some friends which will be nice.

I hope everyone is ok today.