my wifes treatment

Hi Simon,

I’m really pleased to hear it went well yesterday and Loraine is doing ok so far.

Hope you both enjoyed that lie in!!!

Take care and keep us posted,


hi everyone
just to keep you posted about my wife loraines treatment,she didnt have a good day yesterday,started saturday
tea-time the nausea came on,took her tablets but still feelin a bit off this morning,didnt feel like leaving her,but i need
to work to keep the bills payed,just spoke to her on the phone and it has settled down a little any help on how to
cope with this?

Hi Simon,

sorry to hear Loraine is starting to feel the dreaded effects of the chemo. Does she have any ‘travel bands’ to wear at all? I have found them invaluable ever since I started chemo. You can get them from Boots and they cost around £7. Also, she could contact the day centre where she has her chemo as her anti-sickness meds may need tweaking a little. I’m guessing that she has prob finished the steroids (dexamethasone) by now. Do you know if she has been given either ‘Ondansetron’ or ‘Domperidone’ at all? I usually have the ondan just for 2 days post chemo but can take up to 4 of the dom in any one day after this. They are v.g and I find that 1 a day generally does the job.

Ginger is also v.g for sickness and nausea. I’m not a great fan but so just have ginger biscuits or drink ginger ale. Many people recommend crystalised ginger though.

If the sickness/nausea persists I would defo recommend contacting the chemo centre and not waiting until her next treatment. It is perfectly normal for peoples anti-sickness meds to need adjusting as they can’t always get it right first time. I’m sure they will be very helpful,

Take care both of you,


Dear Simes

I agree with Kelly on the Ondansetron and Domperidone. My oncologist gives me 3 days worth of Ondansetron and 4 of Domperidone to take away. All I have suffered so far is a bit of stomach ache and vague nausea for 2 or 3 days after chemo (so far 2 down so fingers crossed!). I boughts some fresh ginger which I slice and put in boiling water, and as Kelly suggests, crystalised ginger. Also peppermint tea or peppermints (extra strong) both work a treat.

You can’t feel completely normal, I think everyone would agree, but I’m sure they can concoct a system for your wife which will work as best it can.

Cecelia. x

hi everyone just a quick update on loraine,feeling alot better now ,just gets a little tired now and again but not as much nausea,fingers crossed for her next treatment is on friday 27th
thanks again simon

Hi Simon,

thanks for the update, glad to hear loraine is feeling a lot better now. Hope you’re doing ok too.

Take care, all the best for the 27th, and in the meantime you know where we are if you need us,


Hi Simon&Loraine,

I just wanted to wish you well for chemo No2 tomorrow. See how quickly you’re getting through them already!!

Take care,


Hi Simon & Loraine

I too was on the Tact 2 accellerated programme, I have finished now, but some things that helped me (they may sound stupid) were when I was receiving the treatment on a drip, the nurse gave me an ice lolly to eat while they put the injections in (to stop mouth ulcers) and also I went off my food, everything seems to taste the same until the bcn told me to try using plastic knives and forks (this really did help).

Hope this is helpful to you

Take care

Paters x

hi everyone,
well no 2 over,everything went fine,loraine felt a little nausea over the weekend,but getting a bit upset now, her lovely
hair is starting to come out,but she told me before i left for work that she wants me to put the clippers on it when i do mine at the end of the week,just told her she is very brave and try not to worry but i no its hard for her.
thanks for the advice
thanks simon

Hi Simon,

glad to hear you and loraine are doin not too bad. I got my OH to get the clippers out on my hair and I was sooooo glad I did. I cried buckets the day my hair finally came out but thankfully I soon got used to it and I’m sure Loraine will too.

Trouble is, when you have no hair its v.common to think that your OH won’t fancy you anymore. It can be hard enough to look at yourself in the mirror at times, so to think someone may actually find you attractive is v.hard to believe. Be sure to tell Loraine how your feelings haven’t changed, she may need lots of reassurances at this difficult time, I know I did.

I wish you both well and hope the treatment continues to go smoothly,

Take care,


just an update on my wifes treatment,well she just has the two left now,hopefully finished early december,
we have an appointment next week with the doctor to discuss her rad treatment which should start after christmas,
she is a bit down at the moment and i cant do right for doing wrong,her hair is growing back and it looks really nice i keep telling her,but i know it gets her down along with the tiredness and i just dont know what to say to her to keep her smiling.hopefully when its all over she can try to be herself again but i worry it will change her forever any advice

Hi Simon,

Maybe you should stop trying to keep your wife smiling. Sometimes we all need to feel miserable, down and cry. It can feel an awful burden to have to ‘keep smiling’ to help friends and family feel better. Listen to your wife, empathise with her, be with her, don’t judge.

I think many of us find that a breast cancer diagnosis changes our perspective on life. Yes we are still the ‘same’, but we have also changed in subtle ways. As your wife approaches the end of her tretament she is likely to be feeling a kaleidoscope of emotions…breast cancer is never all over, though most of us get used to living with it. There’s a brilliant article by Peter Harvey called ‘After treatment finishes’ You can easily google it and it might help both you and your wife.

best wishes


thanks for the advice jane