NAILS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agree with pollypocket too… My big toe nail fell off three weeks ago and there’s no way I would have helped it on it’s way as it was way too sore. It didn’t hurt one bit, but meant I’ve lost them all now :frowning:
It’s quite strange when they come off and the new nail is underneath though, really doesn’t hurt and I found one in my bed the other week - urgh…

Thanks for that ladies! I will leave them to come off when they are ready rather than speed them on their way - it’s going to be sooner rather later anyway! :slight_smile:

Well mine are the same now 4 weeks after last tax. Breaking everywhere but not sore. Just fingeres still a bit numb. A friend who is a nurse said to steep fingers in good vinegar and that will help them.

Mine are past helping now i think All are starting to crack and break and so awkward to work with. They are all ridged half way down my nail and just lifting off… My nails had never looked as good before my chemo…

Hi Everyone - Well I have now lost 2 nails on my index fingers and my thumb nails not looking so good. Couldn’t pull mine off but they seem to come off completely on one side and I put some tape over them to stop me catching them which makes them sore until the other side was ready to come off. Once off they look awful as the new nail underneath is so tiny and they are quite sensitive but easier than having loose nails - just wondering how many more will go! I’m finding it hard to do up buttons etc, feel about 5 years old!!

dont know if i am even going to need chemo, but been reading about frozen gloves–are they available in england??? has anyone used them??

Do you need something for your feet as well or are toe nails not as bad

Some posters have found their hospital has frozen gloves and slippers but mine didn’t when I asked. I used frozen peas on my hands and feet - felt a bit silly but that does seem to have helped since I’m now off Tax and the only finger nails that are really suffering are on the hand I did not have in the peas as it had the cannula. Not a true scientfic study but that’s my story… I just decanted large bag of peas into small plastic bags and made sure toes and fingers were covered during the chemo.

Hope this helps - wish all hospitals had the frozen gloves or slippers…

oh my god,im scared now, i am about to start tax and my nails thru fec have grown and are in great shape, should i cut them, paint them, help…xxxx

hi silvershar,

i painted my nails dark all the way through chemo, some say do, some say dont, i did, anyway, i had 6 tax, which was very difficult, and at one point after i had the 4th one i didnt think i could do anymore, but i did.

about a week after i had the last one the tips of my fingers went VERY SORE, then i would say about 5 days later i woke up, actually the pain woke me up, it felt just like i had hit every finger with a hammer, seriously they were throbbing for england lol,
anyway now they are all very sore, and turning black, lifting upwards from the tip, i think i may well lose all of them,

not everyone has this se, i thought i had been lucky but i havent, i never used the peas or ice, so it may well be worth trying it,

try not to worry shar just go with it, keep them quite short, but not too short, and paint them dark, i would,

when do you have your first tax?

keep us posted and if there is anything else you need to know just ask,

all the very best to you love liz xxx

Well my two thumb nails have finally came off. Not as bad looking as i thought. Have just covered then with micropore and put couple finger bandages on until i find out the best thing to do with them.

Its terrible trying to pick up thing off the floor but things can only get better.

I just kept my nails painted, a bit of soreness on a few of my fingers, numb middle toe on each foot. I am 2weeks post tax now( I had it weekly) and am already feeling less tired. But I shall take it slowly. Fingers are slowly improving also.
x sarah

thanks everyone, im sure i will be back for tips and advice. gonna paint them dark later today, just took my steriods as instructed the day before. tax is tomor at 11.30 - what is micopore? do i get from boots?and the finger bandages is this to cushion the pain? will this happen after a few tax or do i need to buy all this today? almost wish staying on fec, better the devil u know kinda thing! how will i work/type etc with sore nails, i dont know if i can do this fec already wiped me out but i bounce right back after the initial bad week - week and a half, then by end of second week and third week im good as new apart from a bit tireder than usual but tax looks a whole different story!
Shar xx

well number 3 fell off Looks like i am on a roll.

Micropore is just like a paper plaster it comes in a roll but dosnt have padding. i just put it on to hold the cracking nails in place will working about the house.

now the nails have come off i put the finger bandages on so not to get them dirty or some sort of infection. Mind you since nails came off fingers not so sore.