Just wondering really how I stand on the paranoia front at the moment.
It struck me today that since I was diagnosed with a recurrence in June 2010, I’ve been 4 times to get new lumps checked out. Once I had an ultrasound (fine), once a needle aspiration (had one lymph node removed, pathology fine), twice the docs have told me not to go home and not worry.
Four times in a year seems like quite a lot! I suppose what I’m asking is how paraoid am I compared to you?? Do you ring your onc’s secretary at the first sign of a previously unnoticed swelling? Is this good practice, or do they just raise their eyebrows and think ‘not again!’?
xx Jane
Its so difficult isn’t it?! I’ve spent the last two years worrying about this and that, all for no reason, but, when I discovered another lump, I was determined to have it checked out. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a recurrence but I could easily have just put it down to paranoia and not asked for their view and then things might have turned out very different. I did post on here at the time ('paranoia or just being realistic) and you may want to read the comments but as it was it took me several months to go to my GP when I was originally diagnosed; partly because of my own fear but partly also because the surgery itself - or the receptionists - was so unapproachable.
The medics may very well raise their eyebrows and think ‘here we go again’ but I say get everything checked out that is worrying you - irrespective of what you think your medics might be thinking. I know, easier said than done, and you do need to allow some time for the ache/pain/lump to disappear, but I’m very much of the view that anyone diagnosed with cancer needs to be aware that if it can happen once it can happen again (and again) and that they need to be eternally vigilant.
Naz, x
I’ll take your 4 times in a year and give you twice in eight days. Both times I had cysts aspirated so it wasn’t nothing, and the doc said I was welcome to come back any time as she appreciated how worrying it can be to find unexpected lumps. Though cysts do come back if you happen to be prone to them, so I’m sure I’ll beat your 4 times in a year long before 9 months is up!
Hi jane
I agree with naz- you are absolutely right to get checked out. After all you have been through, I doubt your medical team would think you are paranoid for raising concerns. That is what they are paid for- and it’s vital that you remain vigilant. Early detection is so important as you know.
So I’d say keep poking + prodding, report any concerns asap + hopefully any fears will be unfounded 
stay well
tina xx
Thanks everyone, I feel better knowing others want their lumps checked out too!
Tina, I read on the recurrence thread that you’re off on hols next week - wishing you a really fantastic break. Sorry to hear that more chemo is on the cards
But I’ll be crossing everything for you that it does its job. You’re incredibly strong and positive. Enjoying life while we’re well is the best thing we can do. xx
I agree, i think any change is worth getting checked.
NAZ, so sorry to hear about your recurrence, its crap isn’t it? at least I had a 12 year gap, it can’t be that long since your dx. I hope you are doing alright - thinking of you xx