Thanks for comments CaroleD. Feel much more positive again today. Partly, I think its because something is happening - 2nd chemo due tomorrow and then I’ll be a third of the way through! I think the waiting for treatments can be very difficult to manage because of wanting to just get it over with and get on with nicer bits of life!
Good luck to you and Karron and Kittenkat and anyone else due to start chemo soon - or already on the way.
I’m so fed up today, Thought having BC was bad enough but trying to get financial help well I’ve been past from pillar to post today how stress full!!
Thursday is the BIG day when i find out what this cancer lump is made up off, then my chemo will start,
Now I think about it working was not so bad
It’s nice to think I’m not the only one going through this as some times it fills that way.
Sorry to mone just needed to get this of my chest :))
Not doing to bad found out that i have got to have 6X FEC then 1 month of Raidotherapy and to have a avestin think that how you spell it? for about 1 year got to go in and have a picc put in as my veins are so bad:(
Hi Karron,
Saw that you mentioned money worries,well i problems and mentioned them to my Mcmiilan nurse and she got a grant from Mcmillan to help,
i felt so guilty to take it but she told me not to be silly because thats what it’s there for.
Give it a try,even it’s a couple of hundred pounds it all helps.