neo tango trial

hi guys
extra physio today so will see how that goes.
what a small world!!!
Shannon how about meeting up when you come down?
my ssp has stopped now and so has my working tax credit so that means no more childcare element so the kids have to stop going to childminder.still waiting to hear about income support/incapacity/dla money and starting to panic a bit about the bills!
i start walking ok but after a short while my legs start to feel weak and it looks like i’m tipsy!
most days i cant face a bra and ‘falsie’
i see bcn on friday to see if my arm is up to rads yet.
shannon let me know what u think about meeting.
take care all

I have a friend who believes that positive thoughts is the only way to go and negative thoughts breed negativity
i am finding this very hard to cope with
i know i will probably get thru this and the sun will shine again but at the moment it is all rain clpouds
turned down for income support as ex pays mainenance so apparently i have enough to live on.
firday b4 i here about incapacity as doing a ssp check. dla are contacting consultant.
mortgage company don’t do mortgage holidays and as dad is named on mortgage they expect him to pay.( £710 a month )
i can afford the mortgage from ex’s mainenance and child benefit but then there is the £350 a month utility bills then the petrol and food
brick walls which ever way i turn
my parents are having to pay the bills and car and possibly hand outs of food
i now feel i have no control over my life at all.
the physio wont do anymore work on my arm and shoulder till anny problems is ruled out so am waiting for MRI
then if all is ok i will have daily intensive physio
then the 3 weeks of rads.
all i want to do is keep family together and roof over heads and get back to work
i feel people are saying its my fault arm is way it is and i’m not making the effort
sorry but i feel so sh1t that i cant see light at end of tunnel
i know friend has pulled themselves out of dark place but surely being positive and smiley all time is not possible and doesnt help anyway
how can i say this to them ( work collegue as well as friend)
i don’t want to loose this frienship
i dont know where to turn
i cant even get thru each day without the where are u going?what are u doing?where have u been? but cant tell family or friends to give me a break.
i just want to shout “its not bloody fair” but dont want to be told be positive and all will turn out ok

Hello Everyone
Shannon its good to hear that you are ok. and the rads have nearly finished. Tracy sending you a big hug.
I have got one very red boob and the skin has broken in two places. I was given some soothing gel and dressings this morning which are helping.
My throat is very bad where I am having rads to the collarbone its catching. Its difficult to eat and have to eat very runny things, also cool things help like ice cream! I must say it has really got me down. It just seems never ending, although have now finished treatment to collarbone so have been told my throat should begin to feel better by the weekend. I have three boosts to scar area left now.
My legs are beginning to feel a bit less achey after walking but still stiff when I get up!
Glad your hair is coming back Shannon, mine is coming back very thick.
Tracey I do hope they sort your benefits out soon because it is not fair to put you through so much worry.
Hope you can get on with the rads soon then you will feel near the end of treatment.
Can really understand how you are feeling about people saying be positive, grrrr.
I think we are all finding the shock of having breast cancer begins to sink in when the treatment has nearly finished and you realise just what you have been through. I think we need to be gentle with ourselves for a good while.
Hugs to all
Alison x

just giving this thread a bump
i’m totally pi**ed and its half 11 pm
hi to alison and shannon if u out there let us know
been havivng a naff time
had mri on shoulder but waiting rresults and waiting for rad’s
bruised and battered from son
life stinks but doing as well as can do
miricle of miricles my ex is having the kids for 4 days this summer hols which is 4 days more than last year
feeling smothered from family who want to know evey movement each day but also out in the cold by somew friends and collegues who dont bother now chemo finished
finally managed to get incapacity
hears to u all… cheers
shannon let me know plzzzz about what i said about meeting wen u visit your mum
bye 4 now …hic…

Hi there everyone

Tracey hope you get the MRI results really soon, please let us know.
Glad the ex is giving you a small break.
Would you be able to get any more help with your son.
Its funny how some people react isnt it. Some friends have hardly contacted me during the last few months and others have been absolutly brilliant.
Glad you got incapacity benefit, welcome to the club!
Shannon do hope you are getting on alright.
Have now finished rads and finally my skin has healed.
Going to start going to the Breast Care Haven, Hereford next week for a boost.
Sending you all a big hug.
Love Alison x

hi all hope u ok shannon
went for physio last weds and got told MRI shows no damage to shoulder…(movement getting there)…BUT
it did pick up an enlarge lymph node which wasnt on my last CT.
found out they were reviewing my case on thurs so rang fri and told they dont think its suspicious but will have ultrasound to check
tried very hard to block it out over weekend (vodka helps)
ultrasound is tomorrow (tues) at 2:10
also hope to be reassessed for rads soon
it will be ok…it will be ok… it will be ok

Hi Everyone

Tracy its sounding really good just hold on there because it will all be over soon. My friend had BC 6 years ago and gets an enlarged lymph node from time to time but everything is ok.

You have had a rough time but you are nearly there and it will be worth it I can assure you.

Lots of hugs and love
Alison x

happy news
its a fluid collection not a lymph node
apparently on a MRI they look the same
see BCN later today

Tracey thats great news really pleased for you. Hope the visit to BCN went well.
Alison x

gone down with shingles…had them a lot before but not once since diagnosis…must look at rad’s and see if this could be a problem as hope to hear about starting them soon

Very sorry to hear about the shingles, sending a big cyber hug. I have a feeling it wont effect you having rads.
Hope they clear very soon
Alison x

rad’s planning tomorrow
shannon sending u big hug incase u look in

Good luck with the rads Tracy, you are nearly there now.

Alison x

Scary…first rad’s today!

I am sure it went well and you were surprised like me how quick and painless it is. Dont forget to put the cream on
Alison x

Hi all, thanks Alison
it is very much a struggle with the arm and shoulder still but its got to be done so just putting up with it.
i hate to admit but i am really struggling generally at the moment.
I hope Shannon is ok if u look in Shannon i send u a hug
3 down 12 to go
love to all

Hello There

Tracy glad you are getting through the rads, it soon goes and before you know it you are finished.
Just give yourself time and dont worry about your feelings, try to just let them flow. You have had quite a time of it so things will take time to settle, but they will.
Alison x

Hi Tracey
Hope you are getting on alright do think about you.
Still have not started work properly but have done a few days! Will get going after Christmas.
Been having acupuncture at The Haven and it has helped so much.
My friend has been recently diagnosed and starts chemo next week followed by rads and herceptin.
Love Alison