New and results on Thursday

It wasn’t good news, but not all bad. The lump they removed was cancerous, measured 3.4mm, grade 2 cancer. Pre cancerous cells are showing on the surrounding tissue.
So they will remove it all and take away 2 lymph nodes to check them. The US showed they were clear so he thinks they should be ok. If after surgery and margins are clear then next step will be radiotherapy and the tamoxifen for 5 years.
I was actually very calm when he told me as he said there are no gaurantees but I will be fine and nurse afterwards said if you had to get cancer then yours is a good diagnosis and I’m not going anywhere.
It’s all a bit surreal but I do feel ok, I had a feeling it would be BC so was prepared and I just wanted to facts and how I could deal with it.
I’ve no doubt I will have a few wobbles along the way but feeling really positive.
I know this forum will help me as well.
Sorry for long post and hope it all makes sense, there is a lot to take in. I’m booked in on 6th Feb for surgery xx

hi Ang,
You are where I was early last year, but you do seem to be taking it in stride & there’s no reason not to.
Inevitably, there are some wobbly moments, but thankfully it sounds like its been picked up early.
Its good the nodes were clear on US, I was told it was about 75% accurate.
So all should be quite straightfoward, my team were very reassuring about it all.
ann x

Sorry to hear that , but it sounds very postive . It is very surreal isnt it .ive been in like a auto pilot mode today had a split moment tonight when i forgot all about it .keep looking in the mirror thinking how i have something bad yet i really dont look of feel different health wise .im just hoping despite mine being grade 3 the stage wont be as bad .so scared at the thought of if it has spread so want to be here till my son reaches his 20s at least x

Thanks all.
Ann, I do feel ok. I think everyone is expecting me to crumble so I think I should be, if that makes sense! But I’m ok, the waiting was making more anxious.
Maria, I really do think we will both be fine, look at all the stories on here, and I do agree it is strange that you look the same and feel the same but you have something serious inside. We will support each other xx
Ladybowler thank you for your post, you fill me with positive thoughts and congratulations on your last rads, you must be absolutely over the moon. Can I ask, how did rad make you feel?
Thank you for all your support x

Actually, Ang, I felt ok going through it all overall, some wobbly moments & one meltdown when delayed by a traffic accident when going for an mri scan.
Some aspects of treatment I oddly quite enjoyed, the relief day surgery to remove it & radiotherapy - as you get to know the team & others going through it at the same time.
I’m on tamoxifen now & have been fine on it.
ann x

Thanks Ann, at least I know I’m not going mad being this calm about it! So pleased to hear the the tamoxifen is ok. I will no doubt have a few wobbles and lots of questions for all the lovely ladies on here x


So sorry about your news. You and Maria are inspirational ladies - you have been through the awful and tortuous waiting and now facing up to the new plans ahead. Lows and wobbles are obviously expected and very natural - Ladybowler and Ann are wonderful advocates for positivity. Thinking about you guys …