New games needed

The beetle can wear the thongs???what does that mean…???

Clippers for nails

see your previous post!!

Doll (very very small one)

hee hee hee,…misspelt “things”…wonder if anyone will notice!

Earwigs ( to chase the beetles in the thongs!)

I’m laughing out loud scottishlass- this is going to be some matchbox!! Now what can I put in that begins withan “F” - I know- fleas -they can create a circus.


Gnats!..becoming quite a lively matchbox!

I think we have this matchbox all to ourselves SL- the others must think us mad!

Hat (tiny one for the Flea Circus Ringmaster- he can have a whip when we get to the w)

Incy Wincy Spider?

Glad I didn’t put a fly in when it came to f. The spider may have eaten him.

Jacket (for the ring master)

key (tiny one)

Lock (tiny one for the tiny key)

minute wooden doll ( to keep the ringmaster company)

scottishlass -I think we could now be officially deemed MAD

Noodles (so they don’t get too hungry)

One silver sixpence

purse (to put the minute sixpence in)

Quarter ( to put in tiny wee purse too!)

I think the sooner we finish this the better -don’t you Val?

rope (for the circus tent)

Silver threepenny. ( hope your rope will fit in the matchbox Ragamuffin!)


umbrella(cocktail type)

vest (very small one for the beetle)