Can’t believe it I’ve got E for the third time!!
Excited Etonians Exercising Emus
Can’t believe it I’ve got E for the third time!!
Excited Etonians Exercising Emus
Famous Fellows Feeling Frisky
Galloping Gourmets Guzzling Grappa
Happy Hippos Harassing Hedgehogs
Intelligent Interns Identifying Illnesses
Jolly Joiners Jumping Joyfully over Joists
Kind Knights Killing Kittens with Kindness
Lovely Ladies Laughing Loudly
Manic Musketeers Making Music
Naughty Neighbors Nicely Nibbling Nuts
Odoriferous Osmanthus Outgrowing Oleanders
think we must be the only batty old ladies who like this game RGM!
Peculiar Penguins Pecking Peanuts
Yes I think so!
Quarrelsome Queens Questioning Quislings
Wish I was any good at this one. You two are brill
Ta Maj…have a go…we know you can do it!
Rotten Road-hogs Racing on Roller-scates!
Saucy Scotsmen Showing S???
Terrible Teenagers Tormenting Tadpoles
Ugly Ungulates Undulating (towards)Ulstermen
Volunteer Vera Vacuuming Villas.