Ziggy hated the stuffed Zuchinni.
new game?
Sentences in alphabetical order…an adjective (descibing word) a person’s name followed by a place name+ any other word with the same letter. Is this too complicated?..
for example…Angry Alice wanted to go to Amsterdam Again.
sounds good SL
Bashful Barbara decided that she would be brave and go to the dance at the Bristol Ballroom
Careful Charley chopped the chives carefeully while in the canteen in Culloden. (overdid it a bit there!)
Dashing Declan danced the night away in Devon
Eagle-eyed Eddy Earned Eleven Euros in Europe.
SL what can I say! I bow down to your superior skills!!! I can but try and copy.
Fresh faced Freda fainted in France
Gallivanting Geoffrey goes to Gambia
Happy Hector Hugged Hugo and Held His Hand in Hamilton!
Oh SL you are too good for me. I can’t keep up with that!!
Ignorant Ian Impersonating Inuits In Iceland
Jolly Julia joins Jim on his Journey to Jamaica.
Kindly Kathleen knitted keepsakes for knackered kids in Kidderminster.
very very clever RGM!
Lovely Lotita like to lick lollipops lying on a lilo in Lanzarote!
Marvelous Mary made mud-pies in Malaya
Naughty Neville nicked Nancy’s new notebooks in Newfoundland.
Welcome to the word games Libby, nice to have another player.
Oscar organised an outing online for his offspring to Oslo.
Princess Pamela played pass the parcel in Portugal
Quite Quaint Queenie Quoted Quips Quite Quietly in Quebec!
Oh wow - that’s amazing SL - good one!
Randy rabbits ran riot round Ruth’s rhubarb in Roehampton
pretty good too Ragamuffin.
Scottish Sheep Sleep Soundlessly Showing Signs of Slovenliness in Sutherland.
Tolerant Teresa Taught The troublesome Teenagers in Truro!