Hi! Two days ago I was standing in front of the mirror in the morning and I lifted my arms to tie my hair back and straight away noticed something weird. My breast dimpled and pulled when I lifted my arm. I was quite taken aback and had a feel and immediately found an oval shaped lump. I do have lumpy breasts but this was harder and different. Bigger. I made an appointment with the docs which was today and she said that because I have naturally lumpy breasts I am not a priority but will refer me for tests but it will take 4-6 weeks! I’m naturally really worried but I have age and no history on my side. Just need some support and reassurance that I am just being a worry wart and that even the doc thinks I’ll be fine? Can’t shake horrible feelings that something is wrong tho. It’s going to be a long month!
Bringing to top for lemoncupcake
Jo, Facilitator
mmmm… bit late Jo! I presume you’re trawlign through threads looking for “the lost”, like Lemoncupcake. Have you sent her a message to explain what’s happened and point her in the right direction?
Hi I can’t believe it will take so long, I was 2 days waiting so I would go back to doctor and insist you get looked at sooner. If needed ring up the Breast clinic at your local hospital and see if this is standard waiting time and if they can see you sooner. Meanwhile try not to worry too much I know it is difficult but there is no use worrying about something that could be rather than is. I hope you get sorted and please post particularly if you have good news. Bets of luck x
Hi Lemoncupcake,
I can’t believe the wait is so long, when I went the docs she said she thought it was a cyst but the was still a maximum 2 week wait for the hosp, unfortunately in my case it was lobular cancer so I would go back & say it’s unacceptable to wait that long even if it is nothing nasty, the worry can send you bonkers.
Best of luck, keep us upto date x
I hope that you have been seen by now as your original post got lost. All ladies with a breast lump should be referred to their local breast clinic and be seen within 2 weeks. My referral went astray a little thanks to my GP and I had to chase appointments. My breast surgeon was not a happy lady and she had words with my GP practice. They would rather see you and tell you it is nothing or treat you if it is. They are the experts not your GP. Hope you are sorted. As Stiz says, keep us informed.
Hi there,
2 add my bit, I thought although I could be wrong, once you are referred to thhospital it is a national guideline that you should be seen within 2 weeks.
You GP saying as you have naturally lumpy breasts you are to a priority I feel is incorrect. Everyone with suspect lumps etc should be treated the same way.
I do hope you have positive news by now, I have just seen the date of you original post. I am so sorry this didn’t get seen sooner.
BCC sort it out.Or put something on the site saying what has happened. Some poor ladies I am sure are thinking they just don’t have any replies. Not nice when they are such a scary and vulnerable position!
I have naturally lumpy breasts, but as we all know there are lumps and then there are LUMPS! I hope it all worked out for you