Hi 1942ao
(Sorry to be a bit late to the party!)
I was diagnosed simultaneously with invasive mucinous bc in right breast (self-detected pea-sized lump) and following rigorous tests on my always-been-lumpy, dense, cysty left breast … which were driven by my diligent surgeon … was found to have the more threatening, lurking, hitherto undetected invasive lobular bc (despite annual mammograms and a few ultrasounds).
Due to strong family history (including one of my 2 affected sisters who had 2 recurrences of new primary bcs), it was a no-brainer for me. I told my surgeon “double mastectomy please, and be sure to scrape away every last bit of breast tissue you possibly can” and I decided to stay flat for simplicity’s sake.
Only one lymph node was found to be involved (NOT a sentinel one, but one further afield, spotted by my ever-diligent surgeon again, during surgery) but that had extracapsular spread, which I take to mean the cancer had broken through to the outside surface of the node, thus suggesting a risk that cancer cells may have escaped into surrounding tissue, my lymphatic or blood system. Again, I opted for the more radical next step of axillary full clearance surgery over radiotherapy, which is attacking blind. I just wanted to KNOW if they could physically FIND any other cancerous lymph nodes. Happily not.
Oncotype DX score came back low enough to escape chemo recommendation, but I was prescribed radiotherapy (5 sessions over 7 days - across a weekend break). However, with a 5-month wait (backlog issues were already a thing, following the wave of self-referrals / positive diagnoses that occurred, once the Covid fear of attending hospitals had calmed down), I am left with the niggling worry that radiotherapy of the tumour area was too delayed to have caught stray cancer cells before they travelled.
I tried hormone therapy but found it too debilitating so gave up after 10 months.
SO … My message regarding radiotherapy is, can you obtain any guarantee about how quickly they will commit to administering it, once safe to do so post surgery ?