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To register for this service, please email giving your forum username, if you are a registered forum user, as well as a password of your choosing. Please could you also indicate if you are registering for either the Tuesday secondary live chat or the Thursday general live chat. You will be sent an email confirming your registration.
If you are not a registered user of the forum but still wish to register for the Live Chat service, please email using the above email address and include a username of your choosing, which you will also need to use if you register at any point in the future for the forum, and also include a password of your choosing.
Once you have received confirmation of your registration, please follow the instructions below.

Click on the Live Chat Icon either through the website front page.
Or through the link

When you click the “Chat now” button you will be taken to a screen where you can log into Live chat.

Click on the blue “Rumbletalk” Icon and you will see the login screen as below.

Your registration will already have been completed by the Forum Coordinator, who will have send you email confirmation of your username and password. You will need to enter your username and password on this screen to log in.
Once you are logged in, you will see the chat room with your name and anyone else who is in the chat room in the left hand column. You will now be able to begin talking to anyone else in the chat room.

This live chat software is fully supported and is accessible by any mobile or tablet device. The sessions will continue to be facilitated by one of our specialist nurses and also a moderator. The entire conversation is visible from the beginning of the chat, not just when you have joined the
room, so following conversations will be so much easier for everyone.
If you have any questions please email