I can understand what everyone is saying there is two sides & for those in the position such as lemongrove stage 4 , but then I also see the many veiws posted on site of those who do manage to move a step ahead with their lives & do go on to lead a life out of the BC bubble. It still does kill far too many women & perhaps if this does help some to see that some do get through & move on then that is a good thing surely ?
I too HATE this dam BC I personally know women in my life who have sadly lost their battle & also know several who have pulled through. Being TN I know the % for recurance in the next 3 years … who knows I too could end up a stage 4 ? at the same time I don’t want to spend everyday focusing on that thought same as right now I don’t want to have everyday in my life being about BC I like to think there is more to me than BC, dont get me wrong I cry scream & rant as anyone else but I like to focus on being one of those that does get to see my 5th anniversary having that vision in my head is sometimes the only thing that gets me through the bad days. If this helps those newly diagnosed to see some kind of HOPE I think that is a good thing its not like the reality is going to be hidden from them
I really dont know what to surgest for the best as I do understand those who feel its not a good idea & I totally respect what they have said
Mekala x