New statistics from Cancer Research UK

Just read it and agree about it being more balanced
Quote from the article

"Harris, of Breast Cancer Care, says there is no harm in trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but warns it is not certain to protect you from cancer. Eating well and drinking less and exercising are all good for your health, she says, “but doing that is not a guarantee it will stop you getting breast cancer. A lot of women [who come to the charity for support] haven’t drunk. They have had their babies early. They breastfed.” These women, she says, felt that the media coverage making a big issue of lifestyle “was very much blame-centred”.

I think its the “blame” aspect of the TV reports that most find upseting and are angry about.I don’t think anyone feels guilt.


Well done BCC for getting our message out there. I think a lot of us who posted on this thread were venting anger at being blamed by the media for our BC; it’s good to know that BCC reflected this for us to the wider world.

Agreed. Thank you, Ms Harris, for expressing this so well.


Ive never felt any guilt for getting BC, and im sure none else does either ,none of us here knows what caused our own particular cancer DX ,it is well known that genes are at the root of ALL cancers and thats something that none of us can change, When people like the media proportion blame it starts people"finger wagging" and thats what makes people believe they must be to blame for getting cancer in the first place, that in turn makes people feel a sense of gulit , this is why this sort of reporting is so very frustrating and can be very harmfull ,it totally gives the wrong impression to the general population out there who realy dont know the many complexities of cancer as a desease,Sweeping statements of this kind are neither helpfull or educating to anyone.

JUst pleased someone has written this article and very grateful for having it put into perspective and I hope some of the other media who jumped on the bandwagon print that article as well.
I think the publicity and screening has seemed to increase the number of women with breast cancer nowadays but as a young nurse in a female surgical ward you’ve no idea how many women presented with very advanced breast cancer and were to late even to have the treatment available at the time - they were scared, embarrassed or both.So thank god for all the people who have worked so hard to make screening available to us all and given women the reassurance to feel neither of these negative emotions.

Finally - a voice of reason - now, wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC and ITV news picked up on this and ran it as the second headline? Mmm, I’ll just go dream of furry unicorns gambolling under a rainbow sky…lalalalalal
