First and foremost I would like to thank you all for your comments on my previous post. I really do feel supported when I come onto this board and you all really do make a difference…
Last night saw the first meeting of our ‘P.S…’ support group. We were bashing around ideas on names etc, and thought that ‘P.S…’ (as in Positive Secondaries - tagline ‘Positive Living for Ladies with Secondary Cancers’) would be good… after a lot of chat we have realised that this is a really good thing and we are now going to hold the meeting every 4 weeks, the next date being 18 March…
If anyone is on here who lives in the Tameside area either wants to come along and join in, or wants more info, please PM me and we can chat…
Likewise, if you yourself run a support group and can add any advice on how we can make this a success, please PM me too!
I was given an article from the local paper regarding this support group and have arranged to go to the next meeting, on 18th of March. I believe it is to be held at Dukinfield Community Centre, Town Lane, Dukinfield SK16 4BX. Time 7pm till 9pm. Hope this helps. I have had the priveledge of meeting two of the ladies involved in the support group already and they are so nice, and its great to meet with others who understand your circumstances.
Was it Emma and Lesley you spoke to? They’re wonderful aren’t they? I was in surgery last Wednesday for my reconstruction, and they visited on Thursday morning with a beautiful orchid!!
Will be good to meet you on the 18th… I’ve designed the flyers and posters etc, and it would be good to get some input from new faces about anything else that may be good and useful to go on them…
Hi Poannie
Yes it was Emma and Leslie
They mentioned a friend (who they described as lovely!) who was in hospital, it will be great to meet you also -think its a fantastic thing you are doing as its so good to meet others who understand what we are going through.
Hope your surgery went okay and you are feeling well
PS I hope you didnt mind me saying where meeting was only I didnt want wendy to miss out in case you were the person i knew was in hospital -it was a good guess, but Im glad you are back and hopefully fighting fit.
No didn’t mind at all - the more the merrier!!! The more people spread the word the better in my eyes…
I wouldn’t say I am fighting fit, but I’m getting there. I’m still a bit sore, but I’ve issues with my leg too at the moment (had surgery for bone mets in October and still recovering) so it’s a bit hard.