New to Radiotherapy

Hi everyone, I had a primary tumour , two WLE’s and SNB then 15 rads over 15days . I was fine until about tenth day when I started to get this sudden draining sensation like my batteries had been pulled out. It would last for about an hour and I just could do nothing. I quickly learnt to pace myself and I had driven myself until last three treatments but then my hubby was concerned I was too tired to concentrate on the road so he took me.
i found getting on the machine quite daunting as it really hit home I had the big C . Silly I know but each stage of treatment seems to have done that. Anyway my skin was pretty good as I am fair with freckles but got very red and hot and developed ’ prickly heat ’ rash which aloe vera worked like magic!. I had used aqueous before and during treatment and I bought some pretty vest tops with extra support and I used them for treatment time as you can just slip them down without standing undressing in front off the radiographers ( I had two men plus one woman first time) and that was better. No modesty vests just a bit of blue paper they put over me after I had been measured up.
i did develop a sore split area after treatment under my breast which my GP practice nurse diagnosed as a burn and she prescribed some really good burn plasters on prescription which healed it within five days. That was a bit miserable as very sore so watch out for that and don’t suffer it get yourselves along and see GP or your practice nurse.
The tiredness changed from a draining sensation to just a feeling of being whacked and still happens now( finished 16.4.13.)
Unfortunately I have had a reaction to the radiotherapy which is a rarer one and I developed a wheeze and cough in May and had one course of steroids that worked but it has come back. Apparently time will heal it ( hopefully). I probably did too much and tried to get back to ‘normal’ too quickly so once again pace yourselves. The other tip is keep away from anyone with an infection as your immune system will be weak for some time so my GP has told me . Just had sinus infection so had course of antibiotics. It was hard saying no to having my grandson sometimes when he had a cold or cough but had to look after myself.
Hope this is helpful and has not depressed anyone? Everyone has different reactions I but felt useful to share what could happen. Good luck everyone on your road to recovery . Best wishes. Katy.

Hi Katy, I am sorry you have had such a rotten time with the after effects of the rads- seems to me that most of the problems appear in the weeks after treatment finishes! I am on no 11 of 15 - will be setting off shortly on the 62 mile round trip!
although I will be glad when the treatment finishes, at the moment I feel I a m doing something positive and don’t have too much time to project. I am doing the breath holding technique, as my lesion was in my left breast - have found it a bit tricky the last week, as I caught a bad cough and cold - so have been quite congested and unable to breathe as well as usual.
like you, I am not happy in cold weather, and have been lucky enough to spend winters in the sun for the last few years.
That was a setback for me, to be told to stay out of the sun or at least a year! Like you I have two small grandsons, who I have not been able to spend much time with since my diagnosis- what with surgeries, recoveries and hospital journeys. I am sure we all wonder if our lives will ever be ‘normal’ again.
I will certainly take your advice and try to pace myself, I too, don’t want to let my routines go, and have exhausted myself trying to keep up with the garden, washing, ironing and cooking I have a really large medieval house which takes a lot of time to keep in order.
Take care Katy, please keep posting, I hope you will feel better soon, get lots of rest.

I am in the middle of chemotherapy and my ONC has told me about the fast track radiotherapy, (5 sessions instead of 15) have any of you ladies taken part in this?

Post rad therapy 2 weeks today! :slight_smile: the 15 daily appointments whilst undignified: agreed a piece of paper towel for modesty and undressing in the same room is a challenge. The most time s the positioning but the staff are helpful and explain or answer any questions. The last few days as explained I have been very tired and lethargic but I am taking things a day at a time I thought I would be back at work !! Unfortunately my surgical wound has broken down a little and despite careful care and treatment became infected a couple of days ago but have antibiotics now not sure if the hot flushes was tamoxifen or high temperatures !!! Always need a sense of humour. Still using aqueous cream for unaffected areas which is great. Wish you all well x