New to this forum

Hi everyone, 

Sorry for a first message I am not very upbeat. 

I have secondary in my bones, liver, and lungs. I wasn’t doing very well on my last chemo so we changed to Eribulin. It would appear that I am not doing well on this ether. I had my first cycle which landed me in hospital with sepsis. Now after having a 20% reduction I only managed to get one treatment of cycle two, with treatment 2 being cancelled. 

This kept happening with the last  chemo. 

Since I have been diagnosed with secondary cancer (December 2012) I have had four different chemos and letrazole but still the cancer keeps marching on. 

I just wonder how many more chemos do I have left before they say they can’t do any more. 


Kind regards


Hello and a big warm welcome to the forum where we are real people with kindness and support.
But …I’m afraid that I’m not much help as I haven’t had chemo for my bone Mets yet but hopefully some of the ladies here will have more experience and advice for you.
In the meantime …rant rave and explode …we understand what you are dealing with !!
Hugs Carolyn xxxx

Atters, Welcome! I don’t know how many drugs are in the cabinet, I’ve never been brave enough to ask! I was diagnosed in 2005 and have been through 6 treatments. Lupron injections, abraxane/ avastin, vinorelbine, capecitabine, gemcitabine, and letrozole/palbociclib. I am supposed to be starting exemestane/ evermolinus. I’m still hopeful there is more choices! FF