I am 57 with a previous history of a benign lump(still there) in my right breast (20 + years ago) and a clear mamogram in october of this year.
My daughter found a lump in her breast last wk(which was checked and benign) which promted me to check mine( i hate to say i am not very vigilent on this)on sunday whilst in the bath.
I found a thickened, imovable area(mass) behind the left nipple. Went to Dr’s yesterday who found it straight away and also, confirmed what i thought was a slight spread out towards the armpit. She spent quite a bit of time feeling my armpit going over a specific area a few times. She has referred me to the “urgent” breast clinic which means i will be seen within 2 wks.
I have not told any of my family…and have the most awful gut feeling about this.
I dont normally get upset or overly worried as i worked on a breast/surgical ward for several years but recently moved to maternity.
Sorry just needed to get it off my chest…sorry for the pun!