newbie and scared stiff

Hi Everyone
Was diagnosed with Bc a few days ago, Have operation booked etc and apparently radiotherapy…Still in shock, I was convinced it would be a cyst.

Hi pips and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support you will soon have here please feel free to call our helpliners for further support and information on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2

I am posting a link to the BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ information and more support ideas from BCC which you may find helpful:\_source=Homepage&%3Butm\_medium=help\_you&%3Butm\_campaign=diagnosis

Take care


hi pips,
just wanted to send a cyber hug and wish you well. I’m sure as the shock wears off you will be able to gather the strength to face the road ahead. Everyone on here is so supportive.

take care mals x

Hi Pips… l was diagnosed 6 weeks ago and had my lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed on friday. lt is a scary
journey but l’ve been looked after so well. Stay strong…sending lots of love x

Big hug

Hi Pips
I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and am having my lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy this Friday.

It all seems so unreal and as though it is happening to someone else to begin with and very scary but I’ve found the ladies on here very supportive so keep positing and try to keep positive.

Sending you lots of (((hugs)))
Chris x

Its all slowly sinking in, and just waitng the surgery. Booked in for a week on Thursday, I just want it out now :slight_smile:

Hi pips

I was diagnosed on 19th June and had wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy last week.

It is very scary but the medical team have been fantastic as has the support on here.

(((hugs))) xx

Thanks Everyone…Ive made myself an appoinment to see the BC Murse tomorrow so I can go through a few things with me…Like what type of cancer is it etc…apart from breast…Sure they told me but by that point it wasnt going in x

Hi Pips64, sorry that like the rest of us you have to join this forum under these circumstances. Just like the other ladies here I was diagnosed on 11th June and have had WLE and Lymph nodes removed, it is all scary but hopefully you have a good Hospital team, family and friends to support whatever the outcome for you and ofcourse all the support you can get from everyone on here. all the best for the next stage. Meg x

Hi Pips64, welcome to this site and hope your treatment all goes smoothly - I too was a June diagnosis - had WLE and SNB last Wed - the shock of it all and the fact that it changes a normal life so quickly may create that roller coaster feel to your journey, but this forum is so helpful - especially during those nerve-wracking waiting periods. Very best of luck for next Thurs.
virtual hugs from Chris x

Hi pips 64, hope things sinking in a bit now . I was dx 17 th may confirmed 24 th, wle and ANC 18 th June and 2nd wle yesterday. Never saw it coming as I’m sure is same for most of us , it’s such a shock, you need time to accept it and even then it seems unreal. I have felt a bit better since first op as its one hurdle over and it’s out, so for you that’s something to aim for.
this forum is a life safer at times so keep posted, best of luck for next Thursday x

Hii…I know how you feel…I was in shock and in a bubble…The tv advert for Macmillan trust has it right…we are falling…and need help…

I heard people talking about me…was it really me? No surely Not…it seems unreal…but I hope you are…slowly coming to terms with your cancer…You have started in a positive way by being on here
Please keep strong, be positive…take a deep breath…best foot forward…and again BE POSITIVE…My houghts are with you and with us all

Hi mrs ugbug, good luck for Friday, x onward and upward take care x

Hi Pips

I see you have already had a lot of lovely ladies reply with supportive comments. I won’t bore you with my history as you already have enough difficulty getting your head around your own diagnosis. Needless to say, once you have had your surgery and have a treatment plan in place, you will feel more in control of your situation and begin to feel a bit better about things. One word of warning, please do not google. Just use this site and the Macmillan site for info.
Sending you big hugs and positive thoughts. I hope your BCN was able to tell you all the information you need at this time.

Poemsgalore xxx