newbie lobular invasive :-(

Hello Cress yes you do sound as though you are going through similar process. The delay and fear is terrible. I had my original core biopsy on the 11th March! have my CT & bone scan dates but not MRI. I am dreading the MRI I can’t bare being trapped or closed in I don’t know how I am going to do it. GP has Px something to take orally on the day but I don’t think it will help. The longer I wait the more worked up I am. The bone scan doesn’t look much better but don’t think it is as enclosed. How long do they each take? I really hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday. Don’t know about you but I feel totally out of control and everyday I am getting more and more weepy and less functional. Initially i thought ‘ok I can deal with this’ as they had said it was small wasn’t in lymph nodes from the scans then this bomb shell was dropped. I do not know how I will cope at next results appointment I can’t deal with more bad news I don’t even know if I want to know. I cannot believe I feel like this and am being such a wimp when there are thousands of children suffering from cancer who just get on with it. I have a teenage daughter who I need to pull myself together for. She doesn’t know how I feel I don’t want to scare her. I only told her when BC was confirmed and the original plan was agreed with an operation date which was originally the 31st which changed to just the lymph node biopsy. The second date I was given was for today I just wanted to be lying in bed tonight knowing the offending breast was gone. If I had known this was going to happen I would have waited before I told her but of course that was impossible for anyone to predict. Sorry to moan on I know we are all using this forum because we are facing this thing head on and I really admire how brave so many people are. As I said good luck with your appointment tomorrow I really hope it goes well and that afterwards you can relax and move another step forward in your treatment plan. Take care.

Hi Jets thank you for your message and I am really pleased you are on your path now and feeling more in control. Thank you for your reassurance xxxxx I am just not in a good place right now and need to pull myself together which I managed to do well originally and was very practical getting things organised. All that has gone out of the window right now. Good luck and thank you again x

Hi Cress hope you are ok and your appointment was ok today. Had CT today the better if the 3 I know. Re your questions about how many doctors I have seen; I saw consultant on my first visit who was to say the least unpleasant, fortunately he was apparently a locum so should not see him again. Saw my regular consultant once in clinic and once on the ward before lymph node biopsy. Have seen 2 BC nurses. Haven’t seen an oncologist. Meant to say the other day it would be better practice if they asked those questions you were asked at the bone scan at the beginning to prevent anxiety rather the end as would imagine they are standard. Re pain yes still having it to be honest it seemed to greatly improve then Sunday night was dreadful and not good since. I wondered if it was because I hadn’t worn a bra at the weekend and so no support. Wearing one day & night now the pain is more my boob now still can’t lie on that side or front and turning round in bed is terrible. Know what you mean about the damn cells worry. Any way really hope you are ok after today. Take care xx

Hi hope you are all ok? Well CT & bone scan managed ok MRI was a whole different ball game however! Apparantly CT & bone scan results are fine apart from an area on my shoulder that they are not worrying about. I am very apprehensive however as have been here before, hearing something positive & at next appointment everything changing. But fingers crossed. Saw oncologist yesterday will start chemo next wk. Take care everyone x