Hi Sharon,
Jill again, the ultrasound procedures are painless, they will just put a small amount of jelly over the area and go over with a probe thing, does not hurt at all and very quick.Good Luck Sharon for Monday Thinkin of You
Hi Sharon
Just wanted to add my best wishes for your tests on Monday - please let us know how you get on
take care
Margaret x
hi everyone
tests were all fine so feeling a lot better, and stronger long may it last lol. I am booked in for lumpectomy and removal of lymph nodes on thursday. trying not to think about it for now
Hi Sharon,
Glad you are feeling alot better, and your tests came back clear, its such a relief. Good Luck with the operation, I know its easy to say but my lumpectomy was not half as bad as I had imagined I bought a couple of sports bras which were really comfy after the op, and found that button up PJs were a great help.Hope it goes well for you Sharon. When you are home let us know how you are. Be Thinking of you.
Love and Hugs
Hi Sharon
So glad your tests were clear - I know how relieved I was when mine came back.
Hope everything goes well with the op. I had a right mastectomy and full node removal - and have to say that apart from some initial discomfort (caused mainy by the drains not the op itself) - as Jill says, it was nothing like I had imagined I was up and about and in the shower the next morning!
Will be thinking of you
take care
margaret x
hi everyone
that is me had my lumpectomy and node removal was in hospital a few days as drain took a while to get down, still a bit sore and trying to exercise so i have got a bit more movement in my arm get my results on friday so another waiting game, feel so much better now that it is out of me
sharon x
HI Jill & Sharon
I was very interested to read about your cyst problems - I have an ovarian cyst when I was 18 (now 52) & was subsequently diagnosed in my late 30’s as having polycystic kidneys & liver. I know the polycystic illness is hereditory as my mum & grandmother had the same thing, but neither of them had breast cancer. It would be interesting to know if there is any cyst history in your families (not wishing to be nosy or anything).
Sharon make sure you keep doing the exercises.
Take care both
Love Thelma xx
hi everyone not feeling so great now result were grade 3 in lump margins were not clear and 5 nodes affected he took out 26 an has advised me to go for mastectomy with reconstruction at same time using muscle from back. got the results yesterday as i was having quite a bit of pain in my arm which he says is nerve pain and has prescribed be pills for feeling really low again as feel as if i have took a step back and have to go through another op
sharon x
Hi Sharon
So sorry about your news. However, as you will hav hopefully seen on here - there are a lot of us (me included ) with grade 3 and node involvement who are all ‘getting on’ with the treatment (and many more who are now just getting on with life after treatement!).
I know it has come as a shock to you - and can fully understand how you feel as if you have taken a step backward. But please believe me when I say the mastectomy is do-able, especially after what you have already been through. I didn’t opt for reconstruction so can’t comment on that - but you will get through this.
Remember, we are all here for you. Hope you are soon feeling better and more able to cope.
take care
margaret x
Hi Sharon
Sorry to hear your results, mine were similar although I had no node involvement. I had WLE 13 Dec results came back grade 3 IDC with no clear margins. I had mastectomy on 31 Jan and got my results on Tues which were clear, I cant begin to tell you how good it was to have those results. The time between wle results and mast results were terrible so I really sympathise with you - I was given the choice between having mast or shavings to see if they could get clear margins. It is awful when you have to go through another op so soon it really messes with your head.
Sending you love and hugs
Hi Sharon
Really sorry that your results were not what you would have wanted to hear and you have to go through a second op. I too am waiting for a re-excision, margins not clear, but was lucky that SNB was clear.
I can’t say I know how you feel but I just wanted to wish you well and to know that there are a lot of us who are thinking of you and wishing you well.
Hugs and love
hi everyone
I’m new to this and don’t know if I’m posting in the right place! I was diagnosed with bc last Monday (11/2) . I’ve had a long wait,my initial consultation was 17/12. I have been backwards and forwards for cell and core biopsies,ultrasounds and mamograms Finally they have told me I have invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3 and oestrogene and progestorone + . I’ve been advised to have a mascectomy on my right breast. Now I have been deciding to have reconstructive surgery or not. I have decided I will have this immediately.
I’m 40 with 2 kids (13 & 6) happily married and very independant so finding it very hard with all the over whelming support from everyone. In fact because I have waited so long and only thought the worst at times I feel like I am supporting everyone else!!!
This will change I know.Already I feel so feeble-shock I suppose.After reading some of the threads on here though I realise there is hope and I am not alone.Thank you! x
Hi Jennie
Welcome to this site where none of us really want to be but we make the most of it. I had a long wait like you dx 27 Nov, surgery 13 Dec Wle and snb, grade 3 IDC no lymph node involvement but no clear margins so back for another op on 31 Jan for Mastectomy. The waiting is terrible and drives you mad.
I can sympathise with the supporting everyone else I kinda felt like I was on auto pilot most of the time and only really got upset if one of my friends starting crying in front of me.
The mastectomy is not too bad strangely enough it doesnt hurt the lymph node op is more painful and you must make sure you do your exercies afterwards. I cant have immediate recon because I am having rads after chemo so that is something for the future.
Sending you love and hugs
Hi Karen
thanks for the support,I’m having a really bad evening.I’m not really feeling that good,it’s half term for the children and like you say it’s like auto pilot.My husband comes in from work and wants to discuss things but by then I’m exhausted.
I forgot to say that I have got to have full lymph node removal aswell as the mascectomy.I haven’t been told that I have to have any treatment after my mascectomy by the consultant but my bc nurse did tell me as I am young that I may have everything thrown at me.This seems strange though as I have been offered a reconstruction straight away and I know if I opted for a in implant this may not be possible if I have to have radiotherapy.
As for clear margins I naively did’nt even think of that.I suppose I just want to take one hurdle at a time.
thinking of you Jennie x
Hi Jennie
We all have bad days I think it is good that you can accept that you are having one. Half terms are never easy at the best of times but this one has been hard trying to be me and feeling like a coiled spring.
I hope I didnt worry you with the clear margins, if I hadnt had the problem with the wle I wouldnt have thought about it either. I believe that with mastectomy you have a really good chance of clear margins wish I had gone for this in the first place - but hindsight is a wonderful thing its just a pity you cant have it before an event. haha
The reconstruction thing and rads some people seem to have recon before and some after but I havent quite worked out what the different procedures are Im a bit that I can only deal with one bit at a time, tick that box and move onto the next. I know that I need chemo and rads but until I see the onc I havent got that far in my mind if that makes sense. Some people want to know it all.
The throwing it all at you I personally think that thats a good thing but we dont all think the same, I dont want to think IF ONLY but that is me.
Sending hugs