newly diagnosed @ 30.

Hi, 12 months ago, nov 2010, i was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer aged 38. I know the next 12 months ahead of you will seem so daunting but it goes so quickly, I cant actually believe its been 12 months for me, Im reading back in my diary about all my fears and anxieties and it seems like yesterday, and here i am, now beyond it.
I always found keeping a diary helps, and you’ll see how strong you actually are by looking back over your treatment and saying, "yes, ive done it "

Hi I hope your doing ok. Im sorry about your diagnoses Just wanted to say I was 22 when i was diagnosed last oct. I had a mx followed my chemo and I am now past half way with my hercepin. This time last year i was just having my first chemo and was soo down, but 12 month on and iam not going to lie is was a hard 12month but I am feeling fab! My hair is growing back and i am back at work and going out with my friends. I still go for herceptin every 3 week but it takes 30min to have with no side efects. I can finaly see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know iam coming out of it a stronger person!! stay positive and please get in touch if u have any question or just a chat xxxx

Hi Sam
How are you doing?
So sorry you have been diagnosed with this . I felt sorry enough for myself at age 43!
I like all the lovely ladies on here know exactly how you feel especially the fear.
Just try and remember that many women get through this and go on to enjoy life. Thr nurse who gave me my flu jab had stage 3 breast cancer 20 years .
Try not to immerse yourself on the internet and be selective with what you read on here. The last thing that you want to do is bring yourself down.
And yes you soon get used to treatment being part of your life. i had a mastectomy and immediate recon in August and it seems ages ago. I’m going for 4th chemo on Mon and I’ve been lucky in that I don’t need radiotherepy.
What was your diagnoses?
Big hugs

Hi Sam,

I’m 32 and was diagnosed last month. Start chemo tomorrow and really scared. I have a young daughter 6 months. I’m having a lot of help from family mainly. I really can’t imagine how awful it must be for you with chiltern 1and 4. With me I’m using my daughter to keep me strong and my motorvation to keep going and fight this.

I’ve got a long battle ahead already had surgery, next chemo for nearly 6 months then rads and finally hormone therapy

Big hugs to you


Hi Sam,

I was diagnosed in the summer aged 32 when my girls were 8 months and 2 years. I’ve had two lots of surgery (to remove the lump and all lymph nodes) and am now half way through 6 cycles of chemo. I’ve started a thread about coping with chemo and a young family and people have posted some helpful things. It’s just helpful to get support from others in the same situation if nothing else. It is REALLY hard with kids. And it’s certainly time to pull in any and every favour with family and friends. These are exceptional circumstances after all. I’m already planning a party for all those who have helped us when all this is over - that and a holiday - got to have things to look forward to!

Good luck with it all x

Hi I had BC at age 34, I am in a very small minority and have another new BC other side 15 years later I was dx jan 2011 and spent pretty much all yr doing treatment 3 ops chemo and awaiting rads?? I was 48 at time of dx last yr but this time it was all different as I had a 7 & 9 yr old and my 9 year old is autistic!!! I can say that havin g BC sucks as I said I know I have done it twice! but when you hav small kids it is SOOOOOOOO hard for many reasons caring for them to worrying will you see them grow up!!? I went 15 years before with no problems and I fully intend to do another 15 and many more…I can do iy and so can you!!! J XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

i was 32 at diagnosis with a 2yr old and 10mth old.

I am over 2 yrs down the line now but at the time i lived day to day, being pushed and pursued by my kids making sure i never really stopped and thought about how awful it all was! Kids mean you cant really stop and think too deeply abouy everything - i still cant decide if this is a positive or negative! i look back and feel cross about what i missed, parties,toddler groups etc but i also feel greatful mine girls were young and cant remember too much now.

i got lots of help and even enrolled the girls in a creche for 2 mornings a week for me to rest/wallow/eat/watch tv etc etc! It was worth every penny and the girls seemed to enjoy it.

Once you have a plan of care and evertying start it almost seems easier as you know where you are going.

Grab all the help possible. kids are very flexible and often quite amusing (my eldest thought the wind blew my hair off so she held onto hers and wore hats).

best of luck with everything and you are certainly not alone.this site is great