Newly diagnosed IDC. Gripped with secondary fear! Breast feeding mama needs help

@mimiluluiv ive only just started my treatment. I’ve had a single mastectomy and now started EC. I’m on my second cycle and this will continue until a few weeks before birth. Then I’ll start Paclitaxel. Not sure how many cycles of this I’ll have. Then radiotherapy and drug treatment following all this which may well be for a number of years. So still very early on my journey to being cancer free. X

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@rosa1 hope you’re bearing up ok with the chemo & pregnancy?

So, a bit of update from me. Bone scan booked in for tomorrow. Absolutely terrified it’ll show something bad! My back has been playing up no end meaning the paranoia wheels are fully in motion.

Although I haven’t sat down with the surgeon (also tomorrow), my lovely nurse called me today with the top line results from the additional two biopsies. A 11mm area of IDC, grade 2 & a whopping 7cm of DCIS with a micro area of invasive (0.7mm), no lymph involvement at the moment, ER+, HER-. Mastectomy definitely on the cards! How long did you lovely ladies wait for surgery? Anyone got a similar story with the IDC + large area of DCIS? Xx

@mimiluluiv pregnancy and chemo is going ok thanks. Although I’ve been struggling with a headache and stomach cramps with loose bowels but not diarrhoea. I think it’s due to the filgrastatin injections. I hope it eases off tomorrow. Had the headache for 2 days now. I’ve also have IDC with DCIS as well. I hsd quite a few pre cancerous cells. I hope your bone scan goes ok. X


@rosa1 oh, bless you! It’s a lot to deal with on top of the other children too. Sending lots of :heart: xx

Good luck today @mimiluluiv let us know how you get on xx

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Thanks for the support @donna_51 I’ve just had the news that the bone scan is clear! Beyond relieved but can’t get too comfy, I’ve got my second meeting with my surgeon tomorrow to discuss my mastectomy (confirmed now). They’ve pencilled me in for 2nd July (so soon!) but not sure I’ll have healed fully from the biopsies?! I now need to decide between implant or flap recon. They’ve said there’s not enough fat from my stomach or back so would probably be thigh if I wanted that option. Although I’m not bowled over with an implant, the recovery time will be better so I be with the kids & baby. Hope everyone else is doing ok?

great news @mimiluluiv … cling on to that positivity whatever comes up next. If I’m feeling bad going through chemo or feeling really bleak about things I just have to remember ‘the CT scan times’ and know that nothing can be as bad as that!!!

Good luck with your treatments - keep on posting here. The sisterhood on this site is amazing xx