New to all this and very scared…cannot help thinking the worst. I will be having a mastectomy soon as I have two primary breast cancers in the same breast. I have been told they are grade 1 and small. They were detected by mammography and I had no signs. I suppose I just need to think positive. Any reassurance would be welcome.
Oh bless you, it is only natural to be scared.
but grade 1 is the best sort! I had two tumours too and they were grade three.
of course it is horrid to lose a breast but I would rather lose a breast then have cancer. My friend had a mx the other day and she is already glad she had it.
I was due to have a mastectomy but they changed their minds and got the two out by a procedure called wide local excision. This might yet happen to you … They only changed their minds the week before op.
my advice is DO NOT GOOGLE only get information from this site or Macmillan site.
also ring the helpline on here. They are marvellous.
wishing you all the best and be reassured that these specialists in hospitals know what they are doing.
Dear janey
Welcome to the forum where I’m sure you will get a lot of support from fellow members.
As Rara said you can also give our helpline a call to talk about things. They can offer you practical information as well as emotional support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.
Take care
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
Hi Janey
So very sorry to hear your news. I had a mastectomy and I would do it again if I needed to. My cancer was ductal invasive, 3cm, grade 3, hormone sensitive. So after MX I had chemo and I’m now taking Anastrazole for at least 5 years.
I agree with Rara re google. Don’t even go there!! Sending big hugs and best wishes for your surgery.
Poemsgalore xxx
Thanks so much for the replies. I try to focus on what my surgeon told me…grade 1 and 17mm …2nd is so tiny and also grade 1. But then I read that they cannot be sure until the lumps are removed. I have had a biopsy and ultrasound so far…how near are these tests to the actual results…Feel that I am doubting everything.
Thanks for your replies…Feel in turmoil. …off work at the moment and not sure if I can face going back until I find some peace of mind…you all seem so strong…only just started and feel a wimp x
Hello Janey
So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I had a mastectomy in November, have had 6 chemo sessions and am now on Herceptin for a year. I can totally understand how you are feeling and there are so many different emotions to go through, and it affects people close to us, not just ourselves. It is all horrible. The chemo was not too bad at all really, I stayed positive throughout and it never stopped me from going anywhere and doing things. I am fine so far on the Herceptin too.
My thoughts are with you.
Hugs from
Thanks Tiggy for your support… you really have helped to cheer me up… You seem to be able to cope and that’s what I need to concentrate on. Good luck with your treatment and I wish you the best for ypur future x
Hi Janey. It’s only natural to feel scared. Your tumours have been detected while still small and grade 1 is the least aggressive grade so looking positive.
I was told after biopsy that mine was 12mm and that stayed the same when I had wle.
Maggie xx
Thanks for your support Rara. my initial thought was the same. Take the whole breast …I still feel the same now. They told me that because there are 2 areas they need to be sure they get all the cells around both…reconstruction is then planned. … Just get it all Out … hugs …Janey x
Thanks Maggiemay…That gives me something to hold onto. needed that tonight…good luck with everything…hugs x x Zi
Janey, you are not a wimp at all. We are all swans gliding on the breast cancer water but all paddling like crazy underneath. I am 10 weeks post bilateral surgery and in the middle of roads and still had a major wobble and weepy day on Wednesday.
Try not to label yourself with negative thoughts, you will get through this, you may not know how at this moment, but your body and mind will get you through. Cry if you need to,but do make sure you talk to prove and ask for reassurances if you need to.
Jan x
Hi Janey, as others have said it’s only natural to be scared, we’ve all been there. Hold on to the positive aspects, your tumours are small and the least aggressive grade. I was told after ultrasound that my tumour was less than 1cm, after surgery that it was 8mm, so they were pretty accurate. I had my WLE in Jan, SNB indicated no node involvement and no vascular invasion detected. I didn’t need chemo, had 15 sessions of rads and am now on Anastrozole for 5years. Once you have your results and a treatment plan you will feel much more in control. I’ve tried to remain positive throughout my treatment - okay, I’ve had the odd wobble, but then I’m only human- and can safely say that I’m not the same person I was last year but am quite content with the “new me”. It’s a bit of a roller coaster of a journey but it is definitely doable. Keep posting, cry/rant/ask questions, none of which will be silly or trivial, and we’ll do our best to help you through this. Best wishes Pat x
Hi Janey, i am quite new to all this too!! My lump was 12mm, had lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed 6th june. I have my 1st chemo session on tues 23rd July, am very nervous, but have tried my hardest to stay strong and positive which i believe can help you through all of this. I have my off days too which is only to be expected under the circumstances. I am hoping to get myself a wig, maybe tomorrow after I have had my nails done!!! Pampering sessions are a must!!!
luv julie xx
Thank you so much Pat…I got up this morning and forced myself into going into work take in my time sheet. Not sure if I can do the job next week though but my colleagues are supporting me. Your message has really helped me. I feel more positive And after what you said I have more faith in what the Surgeon told me…Good luck and hugs for the future xx Janey
Thanks for your words of support Julie…I hope all goes well for you hugs Janey
Hi janey, only diagnosed in may so know exactly what your going through, you have found the right place to be as there is always someone that’s trod the road before you here and the answers and tips you will get aren’t just text book stuff, they are from real people who know what they are talking about. Best wishes and hope test results are as good as they can be. Julie I’m due to start my chemo day before you so will try and post mon eve I am a bit colly wobbley at moment too and prob mon morn will be a quivering wreck lol, but in a strange way I want Monday to come quick so I can get one lot over with
hi pollyanne, I too keep wishing the days away!! keep thinking wish it was tues night and I was at home and it was all done and dusted!! hope monday goes ok for you, Julie x x
- Well managed to get the weekend over with…Sunday the body collapsed and I slept most of the day. Seeing Bcn tomorrow …not sure what for ,everything is a blurred. Think it’s just to chat nothing like results or anything. Even so hubby coming with me. Need to consider what reconstruction to have they said…implants ect…it’s hard to think that far cos still in shock. Ringing Gp today. Still have no desire to go back to work or be round people…is this normal x
Janey I couldn’t face working from the moment I got diagnosed think it is fairly normal as concentration on anything non BC is nearly impossible… Grade one and small is good hang onto those words they are vey encouraging. Mine was grade 3 and as the surgeon said ’ a large tumour ’ at 48mm but chemo ablierated it and nothing left when I had surgery. If they suggest expander implants I am quite genned up on them as had them in May so please feel free to message me. My daughter is having surgery shortly and will have implants alone.
Hope all goes ok for you and I wish you well with your journey it might seem a long trip but there will be light at the end of that tunnel
Wendy x x