Hi everyone. My mum has just been diagnosed and is waiting for a lump sexton which is scheduled for three weeks time and then a further wait of two weeks to see if cancer has spread. This five week wait is horrendous when it seems if we paid we could get the results in a few weeks. I’m concerned, if the cancer has spread, this extra wait could make a lot of difference to successful outcome. I also seem to get mixed opinions as to whether it’s possible to pay for initial surgery and then have radiotherapy/ additional surgery/ chemo on the nhs. Any opinions much appreciated
Hi. Firstly I am sorry to hear about your mum. I know if one lady who had her lump removed privately and then when it was found to be malignant reverted to the NHS. Two weeks is the time it takes for the results as far as I’m aware. What would be quicker is the operation. However sadly this is a game of waiting. It’s the waiting that is the tortuous part. And only some things can be sped up. For example the wait between surgery and/or chemo plus radiation is the same wherever as you can’t have chemo for four to six weeks post op anyway. I was diagnosed on the 19th Feb and had my op on the 29th Feb results on 16th March. I know we all get it into our minds that the quicker we get it out the better but in reality 3 weeks is not going to mean a massive difference spread wise. The NHS has a wonderful breast care service and it is a whirlwind once you are diagnosed. If I could turn the clock back those few weeks and have the choice of private I definitely would still 100% choose the NHS.
Good luck with whatever route you choose xx
Hi, I had planned to be treated privately once I was diagnosed and set it all in place as have cover through my work but my op would have been a week later than the NHS could do as the private surgeon was on holiday so I went the quickest route knowing I could switch if needed but the treatment I had on NHS was excellent and I never felt the need to move , also if you do go from one to the other there may be more of a delay while records are transferred back and forth, it is a waiting game I’m afraid but a few weeks will make little difference to the outcome for your mum so please try not to worry about that, i wish her all the best xx Jo
Welcome to the group although I has so sorry about your mum and as someone who lived through supporting my mum through treatment for non hodgekins lymphoma ( still in remission 15 yes later) I can appreciate how you must feel at the moment.
As the others have said this is a game of waiting on so many fronts. You may or may not get the surgery quicker (generally by the NHS surgeon), but results have a time frame for completion, treatment can’t start until a certain time after after surgery etc, etc. I have had excellent nhs treatment and I truly don’t believe it would have been better privately. I saw my surgeon Friday and I have an appointment this Wednesday to see the oncologist can’t beat that.
Although it was 15 years ago so things do move on my mum was treated privately , in her case the diagnostics to find out what was wrong were quicker but the haematologist then transfered her to the NHS for ongoing treatment as he felt it was better equipped.
Hi again kjw. Just found a thread on living with breastfeeding cancer about the lack of support for private patients re practical advice and emotional too. It may be worth a read. It’s called something like lack of support for private patients.
Thank you everyone for your advise, it is truly appreciated. What worries me is if there is secondary cancer and hence the five weeks waiting could be crucial to the outcome xx
I’m waiting 5 weeks for my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and sentinel node biopsy. This is due to Easter and surgeons holidays. We did toy with the idea of going private as we have it with husbands work. But decided to wait it out. I trust my BS and they say there will be no significant change over the 5 weeks. You have to go with what you feel best for your mum and ultimately what your mum wants to do.
Hi KJW I started on the NHS for surgery (I liked the surgeon & going private was no quicker). When I go to chemo I asked the consultant what she thought NHS vs private & she said definitely go private if you have the option. Less hanging around, faster results, nicer administration environment & more say when your appts are. I have had loads of support, a dedicated nurse & I think they listen to you more/you have more say in things (I got my chemo changed after a hideous first one). That said, drugs are the same, nurses just as good & there is zero difference as far as rads are concerned. Good luck with it all. xx
Ha ha forgot to post what I intended to! BUPA said you can dip in & out of private for whichever bits you want & have the rest on the NHS. All the best xx